
Showing posts from 2011

Eve 2011 Lunch Party

Thanks Michael for taking this picture for us - Eve 2011 Lunch Party.

Baby Halloween


Glow of Firefly

蛍の光 蛍の光 窓の雪 ふみ読む月日 重ねつつ 何時しか年も 杉の戸を 開けてぞ今朝は 別れ行く 止まるも行くも 限りとて 互に思ふ 千萬の 心の端を 一言に 幸くと許り 歌うなり (日本語講座の解説) 蛍の光や窓からの雪明かりで書物を読む日々を重ねて来たが、いつの間にか月日が過ぎ、今朝ついに杉の戸(掛詞)を開けてクラスの皆と別れて行くのだ。 この故郷に残る者も故郷から出て行く者も、今日を限りにお別れだ。互いに数え切れないほどの思い出を胸に秘め、「幸あれ」と願う短い言葉の中に万感の思いを込めて歌っている。 SAYAさんの歌った「蛍の光」

How To Sleep




Baby Chair

My wife bought an air cushion for my son. There are some Japanese on the box of the product. Let us take this chance to learn some Japanese. 赤(あか)ちゃんにやさしい、やわらかクッション Good to baby, soft cushion ふかふかベビーチェア Soft baby chair お風呂(ふろ)でお部屋(へや)で大活躍(だいかつやく) In a bathroom, in a room, it takes a great role 空気(くうき)入(い)れ不要(ふよう) Air pump is not necessary 低座面(ていざめん)、低重心(ていじゅうしん)で前倒(まえだお)れ抑制(よくせい) Because of low seat, low center of gravity, it suppresses falling down to the front 赤(あか)ちゃんの抱(だ)き上(あ)げラクラク Easy to pick up a baby エアーポンプ内蔵(ないぞう)約(やく)2分(にふん)で完成(かんせい) Air pump is inside there. Finish by about 2 minutes

Apple Store in HK

首を長くして待って、アップルストアは外国のいろいろなブレンドがたくさん並ぶことで有名な香港に定着してしまいました。 先週の金曜日に、開店の一週間の後で、アップルストアへ行きました。店に入る前に、外から店の外観を見てみました。 見ると、ショックさせられました。素敵だな!ガラス製の壁も輝くロゴも素敵でした。店の壁に対するのは橋です。毎日大勢の人がその橋を渡す。つまり、毎日アップルのロゴが大勢の人に見られるわけです。 外観がきれいではなく、店員も親切でサービスがいいです。店員にソフトが買いたいと話したら、店員はiPadで検査して、そのソフトはまだ届いていないけど、ほかの意見を出しました。 きれいなデザインも親切なデザインだから、アップルストーはいつも行こうとする素晴らしいところだものです。

Usage of VNC

VNC is a well-known graphic desktop sharing system. It is a common utility of remote controlling. Screenshot of Virtual Box Guest System (Left) and Host's VNC of the Guest System (Right) In addition to Remote Controlling, is there any usage else? Since RFB protocol, which VNC uses, is very simple (transfer the pixel data of each position), it should be utilized in any usage of transferring images and even videos. One of my previous supervisor suggested using VNC to transfer CCTV video from the device computer to the operation center monitor. By the same idea, if the image capturing device's protocol is proprietary, we can leverage VNC to transfer the image from the original device to another device and even capture the signal in a digital way. Image-guided therapy is another example. RFB protocol is simple and open, but it makes us down by occupying a large amount of bandwidth, although the bandwidth of the Ethernet has grown rapidly recently. How to reduce the bandwidth requir

9/11 Ten-Year Anniversary

At the night of 9/11 (i.e. the morning of New York time), I was busy as a bee to work in a laboratory alone. After I came back the crowded common room, World Trade Center had gone. And the world had become no longer the same as before. I visited Manhattan four years later. It started raining when I stepped on the road in the front of Ground Zero, i.e. World Trade Center site. I thought that the rain was the tears of some people who had died. Even until now, I still remember the poem written on the board next to Ground Zero: The Road to Heaven ------------------ While traveling along It's never to late Take the road that leads to love Not the one to hate Hate is what took these buildings down with love is how we'll remember those no longer around Take the right road and you will see how much sweeter life will be The road may be uphill and strewn with stones so get rid of the weight and lighten the load AT the summit there is a beautiful view all of God's peace open to you A



Nobody nobody but you



We did not read newspaper when we went to Newsroom. I drank Hemingway but I had not read his masterpieces.

Tsz Ning

詩經‧國風‧鄭‧子衿 青青子衿,悠悠我心。縱我不往,子寧不嗣音。 青青子佩,悠悠我思。縱我不往,子寧不來。 挑兮達兮,在城闕兮。一日不見,如三月兮。

Mark Six Analyst 2

Mark Six Analyst version 1 was released one year and a half ago. And the version 2 is released today. You can download it at the same website: Source: The version 2 does not change too much on basic functions, i.e. Lottery Record Management and Analysis & Prediction. However, the whole architecture is changed at all. First, the version 1 is a standalone application while the version 2 is a web-based application. I went to the totally different architecture design because of the efficiency of web-based application development. In term of User Interface, you can freely place UI components and define their behaviors in Swing but it is too free, although NetBeans may help you build a UI quickly, you still have to spend a lot of times to move and click your mouse. On the other hand, web-based applications are under web framework, that is HTML output.