
Showing posts from November, 2008

A year goes by

When the sun rises again from the south east, the winter has come. A year goes by. Hang Seng Index has dropped from 27,460.17 (on 19 Nov 2007) to 12,915.89 (on 18 Nov 2008). This is another world.

Sedan Chair Race

Sedan Chair was a kind of transportation for the rich in the ancient China. It was also the mean of transportation in the early Hong Kong. Now it was no longer the symbol of the rich but has become the mean of charity. In order to promote Matilda International Hospital , Sister Joyce Smith suggested to raise a Sedan Chair Race of charity. Thus the 1st Sedan Chair Race was inaugurated in 1975. Sedan Chair Race 2008 was hold yesterday morning. Our organization was one of participants. We finished the race with around 18 minutes . (not bad for amateurs :P) our Sedan Chair theme: One World

Tour of Language Fantasy

Here are some highlights of Talk For Thoughts - Tour of Language Fantasy by Mr. Chow: 1. Word Order is important in Analytic Languages. English: Do you eat to live or live to eat? Chinese: 狗放屁,放屁狗,放狗屁 2. Adposition is required in Isolating Languages. e.g. 黃毓民將蕉掟向曾蔭權 but 黃毓民蕉掟曾蔭權 3. Inflection for Causative also happens in Chinese. Can you pronounce the following correctly? [衣]錦還鄉 窌窕淑女,君子[好]逑 [飲]馬長江 [王]天下 親賢臣,[遠]小人 齊侯欲以文姜[妻]鄭大子忽 齊威王召即墨大夫,[語]之曰 4. Counting Words in Chinese are similar to Genders in European Languages but they also act as classifiers. 一篤屎 一舊屎 一灘屎 一pet6屎 我個女朋友 我條女 5. Language Structure in Chinese changes along the time. Ancient: 殺牠死 Modern: 殺死牠 6. There is Suffix in Cantonese. 我打工[架咋喎]。 7. There is Circumposition in Cantonese. 佢[差唔多]死[咁滯]。 8. Cultural Relativism vs Social Darwinism My Conclusion: Have Fun!