
Showing posts from 2008

Honolulu Coffee Shop

聖誕節當天,鴛鴦與檸茶去了冬季購物節暨美食嘉年華。會場人山人海,尤其美食嘉年華的會場更是老饕肆虐,每個攤位都擠滿張牙舞爪,狼吞虎讌的人群。這真是教人透不過氣來,我倆走了一圈便匆匆離開。 往回家的巴士站前正是檀島咖啡餅店。其蛋橽雖是聞名已久,但是我一直未嘗一口。適逢下午茶時間,遠聞蛋橽酥皮香味,近看更是滑溜動心,於是我倆便入內初嘗。 我倆點了蛋橽,夾心多士(即是法國吐司)及吉列魚柳公仔麵。蛋橽碓實名不虚傳,皮脆蛋滑,蛋味濃郁;吉列魚柳更是驚喜,外脆內滑,與蛋橽的做法一脈相承。看著四周典型茶餐廳的環境,我想,如此簡單的小食便能俘虜食客的心嗎? 當我想得出神,豎著刀叉的茶杯突然翻瀉,茶水濺至四周。說時遲那時快,旁邊的侍應已經拿著乾布上前抹乾桌面玻璃及其它濕透的地方,連玻璃與桌面之間的縫隙也用紙巾抹過,把茶蹟水蹟吸得一滴不留。當我倆驚魂未定,侍應已經完成他的工作。那時候我便明白,那般一絲不茍的服務態度便是那間茶餐廳的成功之道。 我記得某日本同僚曾經說過:香港人非常喜歡吃。所謂「民以食為天」,當時我覺得喜歡吃是理所當然,似乎他的話言猶未盡。現在我可能明白了:只求溫飽,不求卓毅,與犬豚何異?

City of Glass

一九九七年一月一日零時,港生與韻文同遭車禍,死去... 就主題與情感表達而言,姑且勿論演技好與壞,由張婉婷執導的「玻璃之城」確實是上乘之作。該劇把黎明飾演的港生與舒琪飾演的韻文之間,既像透明又易破碎的玻璃之愛表現得絲絲入扣,楚楚淒美,娓娓道來,柔情似水,逝意如風。縱使我因身份與時代不同而未能代入其中,然而當中二人相識,相愛,分別,重遇,舊情復熾,難捨難離,破境重圓,共赴黃泉的一幕一幕,伴隨著香港七十年代至九十年代的滄海桑田,無不教人惆悵興嘆。 電影前半部是製造懸疑及交代主人翁的背景。港生與韻文是七十年代成長的社會精英,在象牙塔生活相愛,對未來有著無限的憧憬,為理想可以犧牲無悔。不過,現實無情。港生負笈法國,獨留韻文在港,結果兩人各自成家立室,金童玉女的童話好像在那時候劃上句號。 時耶命耶?還是無可避免?內地改革開放,把港生拉回到香港這個舞台;再因中英聯合聲明簽署,回歸在即,港生與韻文兩位不諳普通話的精英不約而同修讀同一個普通話課程。結果兩人再次相遇,悄悄地喚起當日的甜蜜回憶。那時候,他倆的故事便真正開始。 他倆起初是欲試還止,直至韻文在電話中聽到救護車的響號,兩人才察覺真愛便在眼前,因為自己掌上的生命線,事業線,愛情線都已經刻上對方的名字了。港生兌現當天的承諾,與韻文一起學習駕駛飛機,要飛越一座一座的橋,因為他們心中有著共同的「康橋」。 雖然他倆是真心相愛,但是事實是他倆各有家室,不容婚外情。他們嘗試面對現實,分手了結。然而,正如韻文所言: 「咁我都希望你記得, 我地分開嘅日子, 你唔喺我身邊, 我先至最愛你。」 當下社會豈容不倫之戀。於是,張婉婷導演給予他倆最圓滿的結局:死亡。只有死亡,兩人才可以真正擁有對方,真正地永不分離。 這齣電影不是轟天動地,而是輕柔,淺淡,細膩,好像是導演自己的感情溶入沖照片的藥水裡。大概因為這齣正是香港大學畢業的張婉婷內心映照,而玻璃之城正是英治香港。回歸前夕,對於七十年代成長的她,英治香港是瑰麗璀璨,卻又像霧裡看花,又易摧毁破碎。當回歸變成鐵一般的事實,她不得不接受這個歸室,感情上卻還依綣著殖民時期。我想,因為這個矛盾,所以她內心一直掙扎。只有死亡,猶如王國維投湖殉清,才能釋懷,讓自己可以永久擁抱那片回憶,儘管現實則是過去已經隨風消逝。 與「 每當變幻時 」相比,「玻璃之城」未必能夠引起大眾共鳴(正如韻文所言,有三分之二的精英已在回歸

A year goes by

When the sun rises again from the south east, the winter has come. A year goes by. Hang Seng Index has dropped from 27,460.17 (on 19 Nov 2007) to 12,915.89 (on 18 Nov 2008). This is another world.

Sedan Chair Race

Sedan Chair was a kind of transportation for the rich in the ancient China. It was also the mean of transportation in the early Hong Kong. Now it was no longer the symbol of the rich but has become the mean of charity. In order to promote Matilda International Hospital , Sister Joyce Smith suggested to raise a Sedan Chair Race of charity. Thus the 1st Sedan Chair Race was inaugurated in 1975. Sedan Chair Race 2008 was hold yesterday morning. Our organization was one of participants. We finished the race with around 18 minutes . (not bad for amateurs :P) our Sedan Chair theme: One World

Tour of Language Fantasy

Here are some highlights of Talk For Thoughts - Tour of Language Fantasy by Mr. Chow: 1. Word Order is important in Analytic Languages. English: Do you eat to live or live to eat? Chinese: 狗放屁,放屁狗,放狗屁 2. Adposition is required in Isolating Languages. e.g. 黃毓民將蕉掟向曾蔭權 but 黃毓民蕉掟曾蔭權 3. Inflection for Causative also happens in Chinese. Can you pronounce the following correctly? [衣]錦還鄉 窌窕淑女,君子[好]逑 [飲]馬長江 [王]天下 親賢臣,[遠]小人 齊侯欲以文姜[妻]鄭大子忽 齊威王召即墨大夫,[語]之曰 4. Counting Words in Chinese are similar to Genders in European Languages but they also act as classifiers. 一篤屎 一舊屎 一灘屎 一pet6屎 我個女朋友 我條女 5. Language Structure in Chinese changes along the time. Ancient: 殺牠死 Modern: 殺死牠 6. There is Suffix in Cantonese. 我打工[架咋喎]。 7. There is Circumposition in Cantonese. 佢[差唔多]死[咁滯]。 8. Cultural Relativism vs Social Darwinism My Conclusion: Have Fun!

Teach you ABC

There were two flower girls, who were four years old, in my friend's wedding yesterday. Before the wedding, a friend taught the girls ABC. A for Accumulator B for Bond C for CDO Oh my god, what will the world of the next generation be? D for Debt E for Equity F for Fund G for GAAP H for Hedge-fund I for Investment J for Junk-bond K for Keynesian-economics L for Liability M for Mini-bond N for Nasdaq O for Obligation P for PE-ratio Q for QDII R for Real-estate S for Sunk-cost T for Tax U for Underwriting V for Value-added W for Warrant X for XD Y for Yield Z for Zero-coupon-bond

All are under control

The couple was at the top of the world, while I was at the top of the banquet venue. Over, over. Yes sir, all are under control. Operation Control Centre, Macau Tower Convention & Entertainment Centre , Macau

iPhone 3G

Before I bought the iPhone 3G , I knew it was suck. After I bought the iPhone 3G, I see it is really suck, technically. It is not quite different from iPod Touch except a camera and phone function. Yet the prices are ~HK$6,000 and ~HK$2,000 respectively. The camera's resolution is only 2 million pixels. That is below the minimum requirement of 3 million pixels for typical digital camera. Bluetooth does not support A2DP and FTP. You can't use stereo headphones and file transfer amongst phones. AM/FM radio, which is common in HK, is not supported. The OS does not support multi-tasking. The application can be only downloaded through iTune and App Store. Why did I still buy it? coz it is cool! Considering iPhone 3G as a luxury accessory as LV handbag or Gucci glasses, you will enjoy it very much. Not only its streamline shape and grand appearance, but also its GUI makes youself feel well. It is really tailor-made to human behavior and feeling. You will feel quite comfortable when

The Day After Tomorrow

The Day After Tomorrow is a sci-fic movie about Global Warming. In the movie, Global Warming changed the weather and cracked polar ice shelves. The melting of icebergs disrupted the ocean current, as a result, the temperature dropped down rapidly and the world went to Ice Age. The above is the plot of the sci-fic, yet the same plot happens in the reality. It happens not in the real world, but the financial world. Because of the financial crisis (or so-called Financial Tsunami) due to overexpansion of loans and derivatives, banks restrict their loan applications and cut companies' overdrafts. Therefore, many companies, especially for SME, suffer from capital turnover trouble. It leads weaker companies to bankrupt and the bankruptcy makes others worse as a domino effect. Perhaps we have entered the ice age of finance or another Great Depression.

Waiting Dawn in Chong Yang

重陽待旦 莫煩快艇摩托聲,且靜深呼倚窗邊 濁浪洶濤濤不斷,飛光倒映映相纏 百歲橋頭無船渡,兩袖清風有誰憐 漫漫長夜今又亮,還望明日是青天 屯門碼頭 Tuen Mun Pier@3am

Searchin' My Soul

I actually like the quest, the search. That’s the fun. The... the more lost you are, the more you have to look forward to. What do you know? I’m having a great time, and.. and I don’t even know it. -- Ally McBeal

Project 10 to the 100th

Heal the world Make it a better place For you and for me And the entire human race Here is another Google's surprise called Project 10 to 100th , a call for ideas to change the world, in the hope of helping as many people as possible. Google will collect submissions of world changing ideas by 20th Oct 2008 and publish 100 ideas for public vote to choose 20 semi-finalists on 27th Jan 2009. 5 final ideas will be selected by Google's advisory board. The announcement is planned in early February 2009. You can submit your ideas by filling in the online form . The project can support the following languages: English, German, French, Portuguese (Brazil), Turkish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Polish, Dutch, Korean, Russian, Swahili, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, Arabic, Hindi, Greek, Czech, Hebrew, Danish, and Thai. Google commits $10 million to implement those projects of the winning ideas, while the winners will get good karma and the sati

New Chairs

I had not come back the university for quite a long time. What is it to me? It's memory. When I sat on the seat of the mini-bus, I felt very comfortable, very relaxed. Under the big moon, the mini-bus flied through the time and the space. All outter scenes became blurred until the mini-bus arrived. The entrance remained unchanged, I thought that the whole campus had done so. When I arrived at the atrium, I found differences. There was an additional local bank beside newly built stairs. Some banners of complaining prohibition of banner sea were raised. The library was named by the name of a local rich man, who worked for numbers and was named by a number. I was surprised. I walked down to LG5 through escalator. I found very nice tables and chairs in LG3. I like them. Tables and chairs in public areas were wonderful places for students to gather and discuss. They were the warmbed of knowledges. On the other hand, the seats in front of Hall I were replaced by a statue of an ancient Ch

Heavenly Horse

I visited an exhibition called Heavenly Horse 天馬神駿 in Hong Kong Museum of History. The exhibition aimed at demonstrating the horse in Chinese art and culture. During listening to the tour guide, I found that Chief Executive Donald Tsang walked beside us. There was no special announcement, nor strict protection. He was just one of visitors. Why did he come to the exhibition on the LEGCO election day? What have he learnt from the exhibition? learnt to be a good horse? or learnt to be a good judge? I've learnt how to draw a good horse.

Career Is Over

I had a dinner with some ex-colleagues last week. We talked about two IT gurus (very specific and professional) who had resigned. One became an insurance agent while the other became a salesman of aroma oil. Their changes have shocked me. I wish that they will success, but for my understanding, there are more challenges ahead of achievement.

Kuala Lumpur Round II

I visited Kuala Lumpur again last week. Since I have walked through main scenes of KL in the last time , this time focused on food instead.

Order of Phoenix

Here is a song given to beauties who will fly to her Majesty's grey and green island: I would rather be ashes than dust, I would rather my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze, than it should be stifled in dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, with every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.

About My Dinning

As Saint Venus listed her secret of dinning , why not I? Yet mine is shorter. 1. 愛吃雞蛋。什麼我都喜歡,包括考試的零雞蛋。 2. 吃即食麵時最好有雞翼,否則太重拿不起。 3. 最想要的雞蛋是鄉下走地雞生下來的,不是很好味,很土,這便是鄉味。 4. 什麼魚翅都比不上大排檔的碗仔翅,包括味道及營養。 5. 從來不會戒口。 6. 上班的日子,什麼做早餐也可以,但一定要有咖啡。 7. 放假在家,方包,雞蛋及香腸也可以很滿足。 8. 十年前在上海黃河路吃海鮮,也算一種以小摶大的玩意。 9. 最感動的早餐是在高雄旅館吃的。什麼都沒有,只有家裡的粥粉麵飯與誠懇親切的招待。 10. 布吉Patong Paragon的早餐也很好,每朝都吃得飽飽。 11. 不會在早餐吃咖哩飯,因為這樣會讓我覺得血氣方剛。 12. 印度及馬來西亞式咖哩不太適合我胃口。 13. 最近吃過最美味的一餐是在布吉的Seafood Restaurant,地道的芝士焗龍蝦實在令我念念不忘,包括味道及價錢。 14. -- 15. -- 16. 很喜歡燒春雞,因為這樣會讓我變成九雄似的。 17. -- 18. 十年前在上海某一麵店吃的牛肉麵及炸豆腐最令人懷念! 19. -- 20. 最喜歡煮雞柳,不去皮,養顏補身必備。 21. 下次外出吃飯的話, 想吃點兒串燒, 要內臟的。 22. 其實我好喜歡吃泡菜。 23. -- 24. 什麼魚也會吃,三文魚也不避忌,刺身也好,燒魚頭也好。 25. 為什麼請我去吃美味龍蠆與蘇眉呢? 26. 喜歡吞拿魚。 27. -- 28. 從來都喜歡吃墨魚,尤其大學的時候,在大學對開海面鈎上來的,雖然可能有料。 29. -- 30. -- 31. -- 32. 周打魚湯已是最喜歡的西湯 33. 中式的是南瓜栗子湯。 34. 在家我喜歡吃的是煎魚柳。 35. 不會與任何人分享KFC的原味家鄉雞,一定要獨食! 36. 自從小學以後, 就沒有吃過杯麵。 37. -- 38. 不喜歡任何crossover的料理,不知所謂。 39. 星巴克的泡沫咖啡,雖然劣評如潮, 但我實在超愛喝。 40. 從來都不喜歡快餐。 41. 吃過很多千奇百怪的肉,我還是認為魚與羊才是真正的鮮。 42. 兔子喜歡吃的蔬菜我都會吃。 43. 煎魚用橄

Birthday Surprise

昨日は先生のお誕生日だった。教室で、同級生のハワードさんはケーキとプレゼントを準備して、みんなさんは先生に誕生日の歌を歌いた。私たちは先生の笑顔が見えたから嬉しかった。 今週の金曜日はもう最後の授業だ。早いよ...... 「ありがとう」と君に言われると 何だか切ない 「さようなら」の後も解けぬ魔法 淡くほろ苦い The Flavor of Life

C'est la vie

アララの呪文 - ちびまる子ちゃんwith爆チュー問題 作詩:さくらももこ 作曲:岡本真夜 パヤパパパパヤパパ パヤパヤ アララ カタブラツルリンコ パヤパパパパヤパパ パヤパヤ アララ カタブラツルリンコ ちょいとへんてこだよ 呪文さ キミに教えてあげるよ 早口ことばでは ないのさ アララ カタブラツルリンコ ふとした はずみで ケンカ しちゃったけれど ごめんね 言えずに ひとり 走る帰り道 不思議なことばかり あるのさ ネス湖 ツチノコ ナゾのバカ(墓だろっ!) だからへんてこでも いいのさ アララ カタブラツルリンコ 迷って 悩んで 涙 あふれ出しても 明日は お日様 もっと 輝いているよ 何かで つまづいたり 立ち直れ なかったり いろんな 事がある 人生だから パヤパパパパヤパパ パヤパヤ アララ カタブラツルリンコ パヤパパパパヤパパ パヤパヤ アララ カタブラブラリンコ(呪文間違ってんじゃん!) たとえば 誰かに キモチ 届かなくても はるかな メロディ ずっと 流れ続けてる 時には まちがえたり 叱られて しまったり いろんな 事がある 人生だけど それはそれなりでも いいのさ ケセラ セラセラセラリンコ(セラリンコって何だよ!) 勇気が湧いてくる 呪文さ アララ カタブラツルリンコ(そうだよソレソレ) ひとりで 泣いてる時も 思い出してね あなたの 笑顔が きっと すぐに駆けてくる なんとなく可笑しいね 願い事 叶うかな

China Heaven

A friend who becomes the rich because of e-commerce. After you retired before 30 years old, he moved back to live in a small town of China. Because of relatively low living standard, he always travels around the China, plays massages(normal and evil) and makes girlfriends in various cities. His life is full of fun, fun and fun. However, if I were him, what would I feel? Is fun without goal a fortune? In addition to money and woman, there is more important goal . More meaningful life is funnier.

Kuala Lumpur

KL Trip 22-26 Jun 2008 Day 1: HKIA -> KLIA -> hotel -> Batu Cave -> Berjaya Hills (Nasi Lemak, Teh Tarik) -> KLCC -> hotel Day 2: hotel -> company -> hotel -> KL Tower -> KLCC (Madam Kwan's) -> hotel Day 3: hotel -> Istana Negara -> company -> hotel -> Masjid Jamek -> Sultan Abdul Samad Building -> Dataran Merdeka -> Central Market (Malay Pizza) -> Jalan Petaling (Air Mata Kucing) -> Green Temple -> Railway Station -> Sri Maha Mariamman Temple -> hotel Day 4: hotel -> company (Laksa Noodles, White Coffee) -> Klang (Bak Kut Teh) -> Putrajaya -> hotel Day 5: hotel -> company (Malay KFC) -> KLIA -> HKIA

Charlie Charlie Chit Bom Bom

I wish the truth could be still preserved nowadays. 《我還可以真嗎?》 Charlie Charlie Chit Bom Bom 每人有大口一個,最怕因口多隨便亂嗡野 我決定每晚食話梅和食蔗,唱卡拉OK唔想多講嘢 收起個口可免犯差錯 Charlie Charlie Chit Bom Bom 每人有大耳仔一對,最怕假消息當咗真的聽 我決定朝朝聽如來佛經,晚晚聽CD從此不打聽 塞起對耳仔可免犯差錯 Charlie Charlie Chit Bom Bom 每人有大眼睛一對,最怕睇得多重加谷鬼氣 我決定天天睇小說和大戲,晚晚打TV GAME,煩惱不須記 掩起對眼睛可免犯差錯 Charlie Charlie Chit Bom Bom 每人有大腦袋一個,最怕諗得多,強迫思想錯 我決定休息即飛去多倫多,咪理啲NEWS重複咁廣播 扑散個腦袋可免犯差錯 Charlie Charlie Chit Bom Bom 廢人係我,重有幾億個,遠處的清風,如今吹醒我 這氣候今天如洪流掠過,叫我應開放,重新找真我 追蹤理想點算犯差錯,講真相冇犯錯,聽真相冇犯錯,睇咯!諗咯! Charlie Charlie Chit Bom Bom

New Family Member

Welcome Home!

Phuket Journey Diary

對於過著煩囂生活的城市人來說,陽光與海灘是一種奢侈品。如果可以無拘無束地盡情享受,簡直是太奢華了。不過,我在布吉度假之後,發現原來一切都可以多麼的簡單…… (Download: 布吉旅行日記 ) PS: Backpackers Forum Post

When you believe

Many nights we pray With no proof anyone could hear In our hearts a hopeful song We barely understand Now we are not afraid Although we know there's much to fear We were moving mountains long Before we knew we could

Outside HK Inside HK

(Citybus 6) -> Stanley Bus Terminal -> Stanley Public Library -> Stanley Market -> Waterfront Promenade -> St. Stephen's Beach -> Military Cemetery -> Murray House -> Blake Pier -> Guanyin Temple -> (Citybus 6X) title="Stanley Travel 2008"> Stanley 2008

Lai Chi Wo

二零零八年五月十八日,領友人往位於深山之荔枝窩,因時程有誤而擅闖深海,並近觀深圳。深山、深海、深圳,真深度也。當中山水美不勝收,與車共行生趣,上摘鮮果,下乘大飛,歷程甚奇,故為之誌,名為 荔枝窩深度遊誌 。

Sichuan Earthquake

2008年5月12日に四川省で地震がありました。それで、会社や学校で募金をしています。速く良くなってお願いします。 マイクロソフトはMSNのユーサーの名前の前に虹があって、20セントずつの募金をします。MSNの名前の前に虹があってください。

Summer Begins

景而時賞之 不亦悅乎 雪糕從冰櫃來 不亦樂乎 工不作而不搵 不亦懶人乎

Mizu no Haiku

貴人遠方來 疾風深雨水為財 明日彩雲開

World Heritage

Welcome back from World Heritage , Ivy. I wish you will walk through your journey of the World Heritage List , especially for those in danger . Traveling all World Heritages is not easy. Money is a matter; time is another. The below is the list of World Heritages I visited so far: Mount Huangshan in 1999 Classical Gardens of Suzhou in 1999 Historic Centre of Macao in 2005 Statue of Liberty in 2005 So few? Yes, sigh... What is your list?

True Love Never Runs Smooth

Castle Delivery Log 30 Sep 2007 - Ordered at Collectibles Today 02 Nov 2007 - No specific date of delivery, informed 02 Dec 2007 - Delivery delayed, informed 18 Jan 2008 - Shipped 02 Feb 2008 - Arrived in New York City 15 Mar 2008 - Arrived in Shanghai 02 Apr 2008 - Arrived in Hong Kong 03 Apr 2008 - Back home Acknowledgment I would like to express sincere thanks to Little Pig and Fat Sheep for helping the Belle's Castle Music Box arrive at my home.

Dream Job

近日,檸檬茶因為工作關係而每晚都精讀 Six Sigma For Managers 。Six Sigma,沉悶的專業名詞,她看在眼裡,我卻夢繞心頭。 八年前,我來到Six Sigma之鄉當見習生。那兒處於大埔工業邨之一隅,毗連吐露海濱。進入大樓之前是一條青藤蓋頂的蜿蜒小徑,小徑兩徬都是佔地廣闊的停車場。一側的停車場旁邊是藍球場、網球場、健身室等運動設施,我們員工有時候吃過午飯後會到那兒輕鬆一下;另一側的停車場旁邊是燒烤場,我們下班後或假日便一伙兒圍著炭爐起哄。 進入大樓,得乘搭扶手電梯上一樓才到達正式的入口。入口的對面是活動室,可以容納幾十人。一年當中便有幾十小時不在工作岡位而待在那兒,學習一些與工作沒有直接關係的知識,包括Six Sigma。另外,我們也會在那兒舉行「大食會」、聖誕聚會、大富翁比賽等閒暇活動。 穿過入口再上一層便到達食堂。每一位員工都有一張智能卡,憑卡購票。兩餸飯套餐只消八元正,即炒小菜也只是約十五元。食堂營運商是「永遠一百分」,質素當然是「永遠一百分」的水平。吃過午飯,走到鄰近的海濱公園。與同事三兩,有時漫步海邊,有時聽海迎風,有時七嘴八舌,有時瞑目養神。寵辱不驚,看庭前花開花落;去留無意,望天邊雲卷雲舒。 當我們有時候想嘗試別的口味,便會駕車往新達廣場或教育學院「飲茶」,或者往大埔中心發掘新趣美食,甚至往大尾篤品嚐郊野風味呢。在教育學院「飲茶」,近倚山巒,遠眺吐露港,確實寫意。若近春分,煙雨濛濛,山嵐漫漫,一排排帶點異國風情的宿舍在霧中若隱若現,舉傘走過長廊,頓然感覺一股書卷味。 然而,平靜的海面也有洶濤拍岸的時候。每逢端午節,海濱便擠滿觀看龍舟賽事的人群,那時候也是公司的龍舟隊大顯身手的機會。雖然當天是假期,但是不少員工也返回公司,有些是奮力拼命的健兒,有些是維持活動秩序的工作人員,有些扶老攜幼作坐上客,大家在工作以外也緊守岡位。浪聲,鼓聲,吶喊聲,聲聲入耳;公事,人事,麻煩事,事事無心。 那是熱情的季節,卻是我合約的完結。


望月懷遠  【唐:張九齡】 海上生明月,天涯共此時。 情人怨遙夜,竟夕起相思。 滅燭憐光滿,披衣覺露滋。 不堪盈手贈,還寢夢佳期。

Coffee AND Tea

昨天偶然發現圖書館豎立大型壁報,壁報上載有「咖啡/奶茶/鴛鴦」。好奇細閱,原來是第六屆香港文學節 「咬文嚼字」徵文比賽 的冠軍作品。 作品以咖啡與奶茶喻為兩種截然不同性格的人,兩者難以相處,「必須分開的」。作者先以茶(一杯放多少糖也不會變甜的「凍檸檬茶」)喻為自己與男友之間的狀況,然後憶述父母分離的情景,從而點出與男友分手的理由與當中不為外人道的苦澀心情。誠如評判舒非所言:「含蓄而有深意,寫出苦澀的味道。」 文題雖有鴛鴦,但文中鮮有提及,因為作者「長大了以後,才知道」,而且不相信咖啡與奶茶真的可以混和,「還多嚐了一種由眼滑到嘴裏去的.鹹。『鴛鴦』的味道我再也不能知道。」 世人覺得,咖啡味濃,做人積極進取;奶茶香滑,做事嚴謹細膩,兩者根本代表著迴異的風格。「鴛鴦」便是要混和它們。咖啡加入了奶茶還算是咖啡嗎?奶茶加入了咖啡還算是奶茶嗎?有些人有修養有耐性,頭一次兩次還可以咕嚕咕嚕地吞下去了,可是天天都喝則是兩碼子的事情,他一定會耐不住在茶餐廳,一股腦兒奪門而逃,再也不回頭。 可惜,鴛鴦可謂飲料中的極品,綜觀全球,惟港獨有。不要問鴛鴦是咖啡味,還是奶茶味,更不要覺得是怪味。喝鴛鴦不會在高級的西餐廳,也不會在舒適的露天茶座,而是在嘈雜帶點骯髒的茶餐廳。看著伙計把一杯凍鴛鴦擲在你面前,杯裡的深色液體與淺色液體相互交溶,不禁驚訝「胡混」的創造力。在粗曠的國度,你可以從優雅虛偽當中解放,尋回原始的自己。只有放棄執著,包容並蓄,才會明白鴛鴦的真味。 雖然我愛鴛鴦,但是我本是咖啡系,美式泡沫咖啡分支;她是檸茶系,凍檸茶少冰分支。我倆怎樣相處呢?檸鴦是也。工作達旦,國金外望,案頭文件堆積如山,一杯檸鴦足以應付十份八份DD,明朝Present亦無有怕。

Spring Morning

春曉 乍暖不離床 東陽入草堂 耳根聆海浪 窗外有船航

Mac Smart

A promotion email informed me that Apple released Macbook with the latest configuration, a month after I bought a Macbook. It sounds a pity that my Macbook becomes out of fashion. Yet my Macbook still works very well and fits my usage. Design: Definitely eye-catching. The sharply white color and the round corners completely match my sitting room style. The keyboard is comfortable to press as well. Both the power adapter and the cover have magnetic attraction so that there is less mechanical damage. Hardware: 2.2GHz Intel Core2 Duo CPU is fast enough to run two OSs but 1GB memory is just enough for me. Fortunately Apple allows users to purchase typical notebook memory of other brands. Overall speaking I can boot it up around 20 seconds and shut it down by 10 seconds. Software: Safari is not outstanding. It crashes sometimes. I prefer to use Mozilla Firefox. iLife sounds interesting. I am impressed by iPhoto which can produce Photo Books, Photo Calenders and Photo Cards. iWork is economi

New Year Party

Thanks a lot for visiting me at home. I appreciate you very much. This food was eaten in a New Year Party. I was one of people who made them. Very delicious! Do you know its name?

Red Wine Steak

On the Valentine's Day, no one made any chocolate for me, therefore I had to cook the dinner by myself. Thank Calvin for giving me a bottle of red wine. Very nice for the dinner. - Recipe - Steak x 4 Potato x 2 Carrot x 1 Green Pepper x 2 Onion x 1 Garlic x 1 Red Wine x 1 1. Mix the steak with a spoon of salt, a spoon of sugar and some pepper. Leave it for 30 minutes. 2. Marinate the steak completely for a whole night in the red wine. 3. Cut the potato and the carrot into pieces. Cut the green pepper and the onion into lines. Cut the garlic into small pieces. 4. Put the steak off the red wine. Dry it and brown it. 5. Slimmer the potato and the carrot in the red wine until the red wine boils. 6. Put the steak into the red wine with the potato and the carrot. Fill water in until all materials are covered. Simmer them for 45 minutes. 7. Fry the onion with garlic. 8. Put the onion into the simmering material. 9. Fry the green pepper. 10. Put all the material on the dishes and enjoy the

Kung Hey Fat Choy

恭喜發財! 辦年貨,好似係老人家既玩意; 依家就要親力親為,真係好忙! 年廿八:洗邋遢 年廿九:行花市 年三十:團年飯 年初一:食年糕,玩Wii 年初二:開年飯,玩Wii 年初三:睇星爺,玩Wii 年初四:去拜年,玩Wii 年初五:要番工 原來,玩Wii係香港人過春節既習俗?!

Happy New Year to Ngong Ping 360
