
Showing posts from August, 2019

Amsterdam Self Scan Service

Self scanning service with self check out have been popular in Amsterdam grocery stores. Consumers intuitively scan their member cards, pick up scanners, scan products and check out in SCO. Local citizens get used to it and enjoy it. Ref: Symbol

Working Day and Night

PS: Shabu Shabu in Taipei

10 OOP Design Principles used in Stock Manager

Inspired by the article "10 OOP Design Principles Every Programmer Should Know" which was written by @javinpaul, I built this project repository to implement the top Object Oriented Design principles in Java.  The top Object Oriented Design principles in Java, which are: Don't Repeat Yourself ( DRY ) Encapsulation S  ingle Responsibility Principle ( SRP ) O  pen Close Design Principle L  iskov Substitution Principle ( LSP ) I  nterface Segregation Principle ( ISP ) D  ependency Injection Favor Composition over Inheritance Programming for Interface not Implementation Delegation Principle The implementation is about Stock Price Quote which sounds like interesting and practical.