
Showing posts from 2021

Introduction to EduBlocks


Manchester Art Gallery

 Is it an illusion? A glamorous temptation. or reflection of shadow? A history of sorrow.

Milton Park, Abingdon

  You welcome me with goodbye. That is Autumn. 


今次介紹的另一本育兒「好書」叫做 《正向教育家長和教師手冊》 ,透過簡介另外五本《樂活kids正向教育故事讀本系列》的故事,從而介紹如何實踐「正向教育」。 這本書開宗明義說明「正向教育」是通過社會科學協助個人活出美好和豐盛,接著列出當中六種美德與24個性格強項,分別是 仁愛 仁慈 愛 社交智慧 智慧與知識 創造力 喜愛學習 好奇心 洞察力 判斷力 靈性與超越 對美麗和卓越的欣賞 幽默感 感恩 靈修性 希望 公義 團隊精神 公平 領導才能 節制 寬恕 審慎 謙遜 自我規範 勇氣 勇敢 正直 毅力/ 堅毅 熱情與幹勁 這本書的後半部便是逐一簡介另外五本故事書的內容,從而闡述一些性格強項,並建議如何在日常生活當中實踐。每一個故事簡介不但加插故事書的可愛插圖,而且附上「正向金句」,令讀者更容易理解故事寓意。 正如書中所言,「正向教育」的對象不只是學生,而且還包括教師和家長,好讓大家一同學習、實踐與身教。假如你是教師或家長,可以先自行細閱這本60餘頁的手冊,再向兒童共同閱讀那五本故事書,並從中引導及解說,相信可以令他們更加投入故事當中,倍添樂趣與得着。


學校著我們分享有關育兒的書籍,我們便選擇這本《 父母見證.查經.歷奇 》,在此向各位介紹一下。 這本書結集多位父母,包括上市公司主席、立法會議員、抗疫英雄、知名演員、單親媽媽等等,各自分享他們育兒的經歷,中間加插不同的聖經人物育兒成功及失敗的例子,以及從箴言與詩篇中得到有關育兒的啟示。 以下是我自己總結書中育兒要訣: 終身學習。沒人第一天懂得當父母,也沒人可以成為完美的父母。做父母的沒必要獨自挑起重擔,反而可以把重擔、擔憂交託給全能的神。在苦難中更見神的恩典。 以身作則。子女學習的對象不是父母的教材或訓言,而是父母待人處事的態度。在子女面前展現正確的價值觀,如聖經所言的「仁愛」、「喜樂」、「和平」、「忍耐」、「恩慈」、「良善」、「信實」、「溫柔」、「節制」 。學業反而是其次,如書中所言:「我未見過盡情發揮潛能的孩子會『揸兜』。」 坦誠相待。父母也有錯,也會遇上人生高低起伏。與其隱瞞子女,倒不如開誠布公,在子女面前展示如何改錯,或改變自己,或挫折中重新振作。 與兒同行。親子時間最寶貴,也讓父母明瞭自己的子女。子女都是罪人,會反叛。何時嚴正管教,何時放手,應該拿捏得宜。若要子女聽從父母,父母也應先聆聽子女的心底話,正如父神隨時隨地聆聽我們的禱告一樣,才能夠建立互信的基礎。 書中分享父母連同聖經人物有三十個家庭,每一個家庭的經歷都各盡不同。相信這三十個不同的經歷及心得,總會有一些與你自身的境況有所相似,無論你是信主與否,也許都值得參考或效法。


謝謝教會朋友送贈這本書給我,我也應當仁不讓,介紹一下這本好書 - 面對試探(男人篇) 。 這本書開宗明義就是講述男人在世所面對的各種試探,包括大男人、性慾、婚外情、濫權、貪財與強求完美,以及作為基督徒應對各種試探的「策略」。「策略」並不是世俗所以為的靈丹妙藥,而是如何在屬靈爭戰中依靠父神的寬恕與恩典。附錄講述如何站穩立場,擊倒試探的十二個「策略」,正正是本書的總結: 了解自己 在靈裡尋求更新 建立強健的生活環境 了解你的敵人 推動自己追求正確的生活 留心你的強項 將精力轉離試探 不要縱容你的渴求 培養良好的習慣 懷著一夥受教的心 逃離誘惑 鼓起勇氣 雖然這本書所講述的對象是男士(因為作者本身是一位男士),但是其所提及的試探、困難與罪,無論男或女都會遇到。不幸的是,在這個是非黑白顛倒的末世,你不單止沒可能獨個兒抵抗魔鬼的攻擊,而且稍一不慎便會潛移默化,沉溺於習非成是的大醬缸。 隨著時代「進步」,社會風氣逐漸「開明」。只要不犯法,就算聲色犬馬不但不再面斥不雅,反而堅守道德卻被斥責侵犯自由。例如:色情影片氾濫得連「四仔無格仔」都消聲匿跡;高舉自己接納丈夫的情婦,倒成為閨蜜;權力用到盡,獲讚賞做事有擔當。其它罪惡更不在話下,極致者更被視為人生的成就,身份的象徵。 跟隨主耶穌的我們,在地上應當作鹽作光。 你們豈不知不義的人不能承受上帝的國嗎?不要自欺!無論是淫亂的、拜偶像的、姦淫的、作孌童的、親男色的、 偷竊的、貪婪的、醉酒的、辱罵的、勒索的,都不能承受上帝的國。〈哥林多前書 6:9-10〉   不要效法這個世界,只要心意更新而變化,叫你們察驗何為上帝的善良、純全、可喜悅的旨意。〈羅馬書 12:2〉   當然我不是要對旁人口誅筆伐,畢竟自己也是罪人。在主耶穌的愛裡,不是追尋「應該」與「必須」的律法,而是寛恕與關懷。讓我們向親愛的父神禱告,祈求克服試探的勇氣、遠離俗世的平安、辨別是非的智慧。奉主耶穌之名祈求。阿門。

From a tram’s point of view, from Wanchai to Central

  This clip recorded a night scene of Hong Kong when I took a ride of tram along Wanchai, Admiralty, Central and Sheung Wan. The night scene showed a city of chaos and dynamic, fusion of historic and modern sights. Hopefully the slow pace of tram could peacefully relieve your soul from stress of lockdown and pandemic.

Craft Minecraft Server for Python Coding

Minecraft is one of the most popular games amongst teenagers. They enjoy building their own worlds with blocks and start adventure there. Interestingly there is a special build for Raspberry Pi called Minecraft Pi Edition. With this edition, you could code in Python to interact with your Minecraft world. Yet this edition requires you a Rasberry Pi. Thanking RaspberryJuice plugin with Spigot Minecraft server, on the other hand, you can code in Python with your typical Minecraft Java edition. You could follow this article to learn how to set them step by step in your computer. In addition, in order to make the whole setup portable, I will also suggest building a Docker image to contain them together. See the detail at

Teach Kids Python


When do you choose NoSQL?

Executive Summary NoSQL , which refers to Non-Relational Database, is widely used in modern software development, especially for Big Data and real-time applications, due to its advantages of dynamic schema , horizontal scalability and fast queries . The most frequently cited drawback is the lack of ACID supports for transactions across multiple documents, whereas appropriate schema design, e.g. single denormalized record atomicity, could address the concern. Comparison between NoSQL and RDBMS Feature NoSQL RDBMS Schema Dynamic. Various structures in different records. Data are usually denormalized for flexible design and fast retrieval in queries. Suitable for hierarchical data structure and frequently changes. Highly structured. Data are stored in the same pre-defined structure. Data are required to be normalized in multiple tables with relationships. Suitable for predictable data and consistent volume. Scalability Horizontall

Socratic Selling

One of my mentors recommended this book called Socratic Selling: How to Ask the Questions That Get the Sale to improve my selling and consulting skills which are quite applicable in various scenarios. The book's structure is straightforward. The beginning chapters explain the importance of socratic method, which is well known a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions. It highlights 3 socratic principles: Respect the customer, Help the customer think and Help the customer made decisions . The remaining chapters explain how to apply along the sales cycle, i.e., opening, advancing and closing. The opening aims at letting the customer speak what he wants in the underlying. The book advises a socratic opener structure, i.e. Say you are prepared . e.g. Mr. Customer, I'm prepared to talk about the Product, which we discussed on the ph