
Showing posts from November, 2011



Baby Chair

My wife bought an air cushion for my son. There are some Japanese on the box of the product. Let us take this chance to learn some Japanese. 赤(あか)ちゃんにやさしい、やわらかクッション Good to baby, soft cushion ふかふかベビーチェア Soft baby chair お風呂(ふろ)でお部屋(へや)で大活躍(だいかつやく) In a bathroom, in a room, it takes a great role 空気(くうき)入(い)れ不要(ふよう) Air pump is not necessary 低座面(ていざめん)、低重心(ていじゅうしん)で前倒(まえだお)れ抑制(よくせい) Because of low seat, low center of gravity, it suppresses falling down to the front 赤(あか)ちゃんの抱(だ)き上(あ)げラクラク Easy to pick up a baby エアーポンプ内蔵(ないぞう)約(やく)2分(にふん)で完成(かんせい) Air pump is inside there. Finish by about 2 minutes