Red Wine Steak

On the Valentine's Day, no one made any chocolate for me, therefore I had to cook the dinner by myself. Thank Calvin for giving me a bottle of red wine. Very nice for the dinner.

- Recipe -

Steak x 4
Potato x 2
Carrot x 1
Green Pepper x 2
Onion x 1
Garlic x 1
Red Wine x 1

1. Mix the steak with a spoon of salt, a spoon of sugar and some pepper. Leave it for 30 minutes.
2. Marinate the steak completely for a whole night in the red wine.
3. Cut the potato and the carrot into pieces. Cut the green pepper and the onion into lines. Cut the garlic into small pieces.
4. Put the steak off the red wine. Dry it and brown it.
5. Slimmer the potato and the carrot in the red wine until the red wine boils.
6. Put the steak into the red wine with the potato and the carrot. Fill water in until all materials are covered. Simmer them for 45 minutes.
7. Fry the onion with garlic.
8. Put the onion into the simmering material.
9. Fry the green pepper.
10. Put all the material on the dishes and enjoy the dinner!


Anonymous said…
You said no need to buy chocolate, why now you blame on someone not to buy?

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