Career Is Over

I had a dinner with some ex-colleagues last week. We talked about two IT gurus (very specific and professional) who had resigned. One became an insurance agent while the other became a salesman of aroma oil. Their changes have shocked me. I wish that they will success, but for my understanding, there are more challenges ahead of achievement.


emmous said…
it's always sad to hear such stories. A number of my CS friends back here already changed their careers and decided be medical doctors that provide better pay and job security. I guess that's the life.

P.S. Teki, how are you doing? I am pretty fine.
Teki Chan said…
Hi Yo-Sub, fine thanks. I work as a System Analyst for internal IT (for 3 years already).

I'm surprised that the similar situation has happened in Korea. Many HK people have changed their career to finance related because of the same reason.

HK is too small to support IT career and many IT tasks and even projects can be outsourced to the mainland and even India.

Moreover, oriental people are used to looking down technical staff and looking up business staff. >.<

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