
Building a Gaming PC: A Personal Journey Through Time

Building a PC for my son recently brought back memories from my first build over two decades ago. I feel fascinated to see how much has changed and how much has stayed the same. The fundamental concept of assembling a PC remains, but the technology has advanced significantly, making this easier. Here is my lesson learnt during this build. CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X  The CPU market is still dominated by Intel and AMD, just as it was two decades ago. Unlike the past, where you could simply install a CPU out of the box, modern processors require an efficient cooling system. The additional CPU fan has become a minimal necessity to cool down these powerful processors. Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX B550-F ASUS remains my favourite brand for motherboards. The advancements here are remarkable. Gone are the PS/2 ports, replaced by USB ports. Sound cards, which were once an essential component, are no longer needed as modern motherboards come with integrated sound. Setting jumpers manually is a thing

Horse Racing Game by PyGame

My little son inspired me 🤗 to create a Horse Racing game using Pygame, based on his original Scratch game . 🎮🐴  This project is not only a simple game but also serving as a step-by-step tutorial to help kids and beginners transition from Scratch to Python programming. Find the full game and tutorial: Let’s encourage the next generation of coders! 💻✨ 

[Event] JManc (28th June 2024)

My Sharing about JavaFX Attending JManc , an unconference organised by Manchester Java Community and hosted at Auto Trader 's offices, was an exciting experience. This unique event demonstrating the essence of participant-driven learning and collaboration, set the stage for a series of engaging and enlightening sessions. Propose and vote for topics In the morning, we proposed topics using sticky notes. Afterward, we voted on these topics with dots, shaping the day's agenda based on collective interest. This process itself was a testament to the community's diverse interests and expertise. Breakfast Keynote by Helen Scott Keynote by Helen Scott The unconference kicked off with a keynote by Helen Scott from JetBrains . Helen's talk centered on AI, a topic so crucial and timely that, as she humorously noted, audience would have thrown her out of the window if she did not speak of AI. Her insights into AI's impact on development and the future of programming set a tho

Stable Diffusion User Interface for Java

Happy to share my recently developed GUI application built entirely in Java! The app, called SDUI4J , serves as an intuitive platform for Text-To-Image and Image-To-Image generation, seamlessly integrated with Stable Diffusion APIs .  Using JavaFX along with FXML , I've crafted a modern and structured GUI, ensuring a user-friendly experience while tapping into Java's full potential in the realm of Generative AI. I'm passionate about discovering Java's capabilities in the field of AI, and this project is a testament to that. I'm excited to continue exploring the convergence of Java and AI. If you're interested in learning more about this project or exploring potential collaborations, feel free to reach out. Let's drive Java forward in Generative AI together! 

[Event] Live Coding: Functional Refactoring in Java

Just experienced a fantastic moment at the deep-dive live coding session hosted by Matias Salerno at Auto Trader UK this evening. We were watching the live transformation of imperative legacy Java code into a concise and declarative Functional Programming style. Another interesting thing is how participants with background of JS and Python grasped more OOP concepts in Java during the session.  Matias Salerno (right) Kudos to Manchester Java Community for organising such a hands-on session, and not to mention, the delicious refreshments!

Event: Manchester Coding Dojo

Coding Dojo Thank you to Codurance for organising Coding Dojo to learn Test Driven Development . We did not only taste TDD and JS but also explored Copilot , Team Collaboration, Project Management, Methodology, etc. Networking seemed endless after the talk. No wonder why this city became a hub of talents.  Outside Department Bonded Warehouse Inside Department Bonded Warehouse

Monty Hall Problem Simulation

""" This is a simulation of Monty Hall Problem. Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice? """ import random NUM_DOORS = 3  # three doors in the game MAX_ROUND = 10000  # number of rounds for statistics change_win_count = 0 for _ in range (MAX_ROUND):   # randomly to put a car behind a door   car_door = random. randint (0, NUM_DOORS - 1)   # the player firstly selects a door   player_first_guess = random. randint (0, NUM_DOORS - 1)   # the host opens another door without a car   host_door = random. choice ([       x for x in range (NUM_DOORS) if x != player_first_guess and