British Jam

In the morning a businessman brought a basket with bread, a bread knife and a can of fruit jam. He drove his car up to the highway and paused. He made his sandwiches and slowly enjoyed them before he drove to his office. You can also enjoy such "leisure" if you live in England. This is because British people in average spend an hour in traffic jam on the way of going to office.

The RAC Foundation said that a transport crisis was looming if the new government buried its head in the sand and failed to develop and fund a national transport strategy. It also warned that the cost of congestion to British business could double from the current £15 billion to £30 billion in the next decade.

The transport crisis has been an old story for the UK. The UK has started the plan of national highway network since 1946. There have been several plans raised during almost 60 years. Most of them not only had little effect, but also the problem has become more and more serious along the time.

What is the cause of the problem swept along 60 years? As an old saying, the problem that can be solved by money is no longer a problem. Insufficient investment, which is caused by inadequate estimation of traffic capacity and economy decline, mainly puzzles the authority. The problem is being accumulated and the UK continues the position of the top economy scale with the worst transport system, unless the government totally tackles the problem with resolve.

Financing is in consequence the first concern, although the RAC Foundation focused on operating management, engineering design and regulation of users. Only replying on taxation does not help the system enhancement, as taxpayers have felt annoyed to pay more again without significant benefit. The authority should consider how to package the entire transport system such that the system becomes a profitable project and attracts various investment and idea of improvement.

Tackling a larger problem requires broader view. The society under capitalism should entirely utilize the capital and wisdom of the public to dissolve the jam.


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