Military Service

Last week I joined a farewell party of my friend, who finishes his doctorship and has to return his homeland for military service. System of military service is a must in some countries. The Newly Industrialized Countries (NICS) except Hong Kong require the mandatory military service. The system obviously affects the living and even the entire life of each nationals. Discussion of the system is thus triggered.

The first question is why the mandatory military service exists in some countries. Some may claim that the military service is the duty of each citizen of every democratic nation. On considering US, UK, Canada, Australia, etc, this claim is untenable.

Supporting the mandatory military service is not easy for a nation actually. A nation following the system requires providing extra manpower, military equipment and military wages as well as sacrifices the donated productivity. In addition, military service is considered as a difficult, dangereous and hard job. Only those who are eager to be soldiers enjoy the days of being tortured.

The second question is what is the need of the mandatory military service. The system of mandatory military service leads nation at arms. Nation at arms ensures rich human resource for the military. The number of men decided the power of the military in the past. Hence, more soldiers had the army, safer the nation.

However, in the time of an atomic bomb able to kill millions of lives, the meaning of the military size is doubtful. A victory of a battle depends on numereous factors. No one thinks that a hundred of lambs can defeat a lion: A small group of well-trained soldiers, who have struggled for lives and victories over years, is usually more powerful and efficient than a large group of virgin soldiers, who have just served the military for a few years. Furthermore, compared with their potential enemies, NICS are too small in population (Singapore vs Malayisa/Indonesia, Taiwan vs PRC, South Korea vs North Korea/Japan) and nation at arms is not effective for them.

The third question is what is the meaning of the mandatory military service. Patriots consider being a soldier as an honor of protecting their own countries. Some boys consider being a soldier as the process of becoming a man. Some citizens consider being a solider as the duty of serving their nations.

In order to achieve their goals in form of military service, they have to pick up weapons and kill human beings of another nation that are the same race as they are. Bloods, bodies and bones are spread amongst battlefields. Unlike polices against criminals, no absolute judge is held in battles amongst countries. Only existence or extinction, alive or dead.

France implemented the system of mandatory military service in her early history, but she has switched to alternative military service. The shout for the alternative military service started from humanities, religious principles and conscientious objection. Most of us agree with the honor, the adult ceremony and the service duty, but all roads lead to Rome.

In reviewing the history of Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan, it is interestingly found that they were all established by military regimes. The regimes were strengthened by the support of their loyal armies. Although those nations have switched to democracy, the system is still preserved.

In contrast, Hong Kong is the only NICS having no military service. Resources, both human and material, can be fully utilized in economic development. Instead, the region was protected by the UK army and is now done by the Chinese People's Liberation Army. The European Continent is similarly behind the shield of the US force.

What do you think, readers? Please feel free to share your experience and express your opinion about the topic.


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