Crying out love in the center of the world

"Crying out love, in the center of the world" (Japanese: 世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ), which novel has been sold over three million copies and adapted to movie and TV with numerous awards, has just become my candy since it showed in TV last Monday. The pretty main female character, the bittersweet romance, the pure innocent love and the fresh farm environment weaved the love story between Aki Hirose, who eventually died from leukemia, and Sakutaro Matsumoto, who cried for her death and their love in the Ayers Rock that is so-called the center of the world.

Interestingly, in a shot of the TV, a Chinese poem was shown on the back of a photo owned by Sakutaro's grandfather. The poem is known as Dolichos (Chinese: 葛生) from Book of Odes (Chinese: 詩經). This shot reminds me the earliest romance.

Book of Odes, published three thousand years ago, is the earliest Chinese poem collection. Authors of the poems have been unknown. In the section of Lessons From The States (Chinese: 國風), poems are most folk songs and are considered as works with pure love and starting realism in Chinese literature.

Let us hear the love cried out in the center of the world three thousand years ago. My favorites of the poems are listed as the following:






Guan Sui

Guan-guan go the ospreys ,
On the islet in the river .
The modest , retiring , virtuous , young lady : --
For our prince a good mate she .

Here long , there short , is the duckweed ,
To the left , to the right , borne about by the current .
The modest , retiring , virtuous , young lady : --
Waking and sleeping , he sought her .
He sought her and found her not ,
And waking and sleeping he thought about her .
Long he thought ; oh ! long and anxiously ;
On his side , on his back , he turned , and back again .

Here long , there short , is the duckweed ;
On the left , on the right , we gather it .
The modest , retiring , virtuous , young lady : --
With lutes , small and large , let us give her friendly welcome .
Here long , there short , is the duckweed ;
On the left , on the right , we cook and present it .
The modest , retiring , virtuous , young lady : --
With bells and drums let us show our delight in her .






Your Collar

O you , with the blue collar ,
Prolonged is the anxiety of my heart .
Although I do not go [to you] ,
Why do you not continue your messages [to me] ?

O you with the blue [strings to your] girdle-gems ,
Long , long do I think of you .
Although I do not go [to you] ,
Why do you not come [to me] ?

How volatile are you and dissipated ,
By the look-out tower on the wall !
One day without the sight of you ,
Is like three months .









The dolichos grows , covering the thorn trees ;
The convolvulus spreads all over the waste .
The man of my admiration is no more here ;
With whom can I dwell ? -- I abide alone .

The dolichos grows , covering the jujube trees ;
The convolvulus spreads all over the tombs .
The man of my admiration is no more here ;
With whom can I dwell ? -- I rest alone .

How beautiful was the pillow of horn !
How splendid was the embroidered coverlet !
The man of my admiration is no more here ; --
With whom can I dwell ? -- Alone [I wait for] the morning .

Through the [long] days of summer ,
Through the [long] nights of winter [shall I be alone] ,
Till the lapse of a hundred years ,
When I shall go home to his abode .

Through the [long] nights of winter ,
Through the [long] days of summer [shall I be alone] ,
Till the lapse of a hundred years ,
When I shall go home to his chamber .






Reeds and Rushes

The reeds and rushes are deeply green ,
And the white dew is turned into hoarfrost .
The man of whom I think ,
Is somewhere about the water .
I go up the stream in quest of him ,
But the way is difficult and long .
I go down the stream in quest of him ,
And lo ! he is right in the midst of the water .

The reeds and rushes are luxuriant ,
And the white dew is not yet dry .
The man of whom I think ,
Is on the margin of the water .
I go up the stream in quest of him ,
But the way is difficult and steep .
I go down the stream in quest of him ,
And lo ! he is on the islet in the midst of the water .

The reeds and rushes are abundant ,
And the white dew is not yet ceased .
The man of whom I think ,
Is on the bank of the river .
I go up the stream in quest of him ,
But the way is difficult and turns to the right .
I go down the stream in quest of him ,
And lo ! he is on the island in the midst of the water .


* The above English translation of poems is quoted from Chinese Text Initiative of University of Virginia Library at


Teki Chan said…
As some artists suggested:

hills will be moved,
sea will be reclaimed;
building will be destroyed, technologies will be improved;
but the heart of human being seldom changes,
love is eternity.

So the love of the poems is undoubtedly appliable to the modern society.

In addition, Japanese businessmen are strong at promoting their traditions to the modern world with their rich creativity. E.g. Sushi, Sun Tzu's The Art of War, etc.
Anonymous said…
It is interestint to read the blog.
Thanks for sharing
Anonymous said…
A very sad & touching melodrama which recalls one's memories of a time when things were simple and love so innocent. The recollection of past events may fade out, but the feelings will persist. How I miss my high school days- "memories, light the corner of my eyes, misty water color memories, the way we were..."
Teki Chan said…
Your comment is touching too.

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