Views about University Education
The senior secondary and higher education of Hong Kong will be restructured, or so-called 334 will be implemented in 2012. Because of the impact to the university, the staff invited alumni to have a dinner and discuss the issue last night. I was one of the guests.
The dinner of the last night was for alumni graduated from the School of Engineering between 2002 and 1999. Although so, the career of each alumni varies a lot. It includes technical workers, consultant, sales manager, insurance agent, etc. Some had outstanding history, such as exchange program, aggressive participation in society comittee and entrepreneur project, in their UG period.
Communication Skill, Creativitiy, Initiativeness, Presentation Skill, Wide Exposure are agreed to be crucial competencies of fresh graduates to be hired.
Some have experienced foreign study style and party manner in an exchange program. Some have learnt problem solving skill in a society. Some have learnt teamwork with people of other aspects in an entrepreneur project.
The strength of the university is known as the global vision and international learning environment. The weakness includes the limited syllabus with narrow exposure, the lack of training of political English writing and weak belongingness.
An intensive academic syllabus should be provided in Year One to replace the removed Advanced Level examiniation. In extra leisure hours, students should join in exchange program, business project with mentorship of entreprise executives and complete participation of ECA. They should be encouraged to form a group with similar goal in Year One. The group will be helpful to push members to improve and develop themselves.
Along years, the fundemental topics will be down to much deep but the hour will be shorten. More hours will be spent for the other new, practical and advanced topics to broaden the exposure of undergraduates. More and more information of career will be provided. In the final year, the students should have a very clear and the latest updated picture of their career so that they know how to choose their career path.

(I think, therefore I am)
1. Alumni Background
The dinner of the last night was for alumni graduated from the School of Engineering between 2002 and 1999. Although so, the career of each alumni varies a lot. It includes technical workers, consultant, sales manager, insurance agent, etc. Some had outstanding history, such as exchange program, aggressive participation in society comittee and entrepreneur project, in their UG period.
2. Get Hired
Communication Skill, Creativitiy, Initiativeness, Presentation Skill, Wide Exposure are agreed to be crucial competencies of fresh graduates to be hired.
3. Advantageous UG Activity
Some have experienced foreign study style and party manner in an exchange program. Some have learnt problem solving skill in a society. Some have learnt teamwork with people of other aspects in an entrepreneur project.
4. Strength and Weakness
The strength of the university is known as the global vision and international learning environment. The weakness includes the limited syllabus with narrow exposure, the lack of training of political English writing and weak belongingness.
5. Four Year Degree Program
An intensive academic syllabus should be provided in Year One to replace the removed Advanced Level examiniation. In extra leisure hours, students should join in exchange program, business project with mentorship of entreprise executives and complete participation of ECA. They should be encouraged to form a group with similar goal in Year One. The group will be helpful to push members to improve and develop themselves.
Along years, the fundemental topics will be down to much deep but the hour will be shorten. More hours will be spent for the other new, practical and advanced topics to broaden the exposure of undergraduates. More and more information of career will be provided. In the final year, the students should have a very clear and the latest updated picture of their career so that they know how to choose their career path.
(I think, therefore I am)