The Standard
Today is the first day of distributing free copies of The Standard, one of English newspaper in Hong Kong. This move is believed to increase the standard of free newspapers.

For The Standard, becoming free newspaper is a critical business decision. Although The Standard as an English post publisher has enjoyed higher profile in Hong Kong, compared with South China Morning Post, it was in a weaker position. There are only about 3% non-Chinese residents in Hong Kong, hence the market is slightly enough to have two charged English newspapers. In addition to losing policy favors such as the compulsory announcement of listed companies, The Standard struggled in shifting sands.
A change is a chance. The difficulty has forced the post to perform revolution. The content of the newspaper has been published on its website since early years. Browsing the content on web is free of charge. RSS feed is also provided. Yet this small and crowded island is not a place favorite to Internet business.
The model is reasonable but some adaption is needed. The top management executives of the post turn eyes to the recent success of free newspaper, although they are Chinese or some with a section of English content. There was none of completely English newspaper free of charge. The Standard becomes the first mover.
Being free is not enough. The Standard does not only require to keep its high quality, but also requires to demonstrate so. Unlike other free newspapers, The Standard is only distributed in Central, Admiralty, Wanchai and Quarry Bay, which are the main districts of business in Hong Kong. It targets to become the newspaper of Centralman, Hong Kong's synonym of middle-class professionals.
The impact of this move is never underestimated. SCMP should study how to remain its No. 1 position as well as other free posts should rethink their positioning. It is a time to have higher standard.
For The Standard, becoming free newspaper is a critical business decision. Although The Standard as an English post publisher has enjoyed higher profile in Hong Kong, compared with South China Morning Post, it was in a weaker position. There are only about 3% non-Chinese residents in Hong Kong, hence the market is slightly enough to have two charged English newspapers. In addition to losing policy favors such as the compulsory announcement of listed companies, The Standard struggled in shifting sands.
A change is a chance. The difficulty has forced the post to perform revolution. The content of the newspaper has been published on its website since early years. Browsing the content on web is free of charge. RSS feed is also provided. Yet this small and crowded island is not a place favorite to Internet business.
The model is reasonable but some adaption is needed. The top management executives of the post turn eyes to the recent success of free newspaper, although they are Chinese or some with a section of English content. There was none of completely English newspaper free of charge. The Standard becomes the first mover.
Being free is not enough. The Standard does not only require to keep its high quality, but also requires to demonstrate so. Unlike other free newspapers, The Standard is only distributed in Central, Admiralty, Wanchai and Quarry Bay, which are the main districts of business in Hong Kong. It targets to become the newspaper of Centralman, Hong Kong's synonym of middle-class professionals.
The impact of this move is never underestimated. SCMP should study how to remain its No. 1 position as well as other free posts should rethink their positioning. It is a time to have higher standard.