Women's Day
Today is International Women's Day. This festival, commemorated at the United Nations, represents almost a century of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development. Unlike other festivals, the story of International Women's Day has not been the past. Someone suggests that the French Revolution sparked off the movement of Women's Rights. Parisian women calling for "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity" marched on Versailles to demand women's suffrage. And the first Women's Day was observed in US on 28 February 1909. It seems that democracy can bring the Rights of Women. In the ancient Greek, citizens who could vote for the democratic government and public affairs did not include women as well as children, slaves and prisoners. Women were considered as naive, incredible, sensational, dependent and slaved. After two thousand years, some people still think of women in such way today. The movement of Women's Rights can be considered as two directions. O...
我未試過做到3點咁夜, 1點我已經癲左0架喇。而且呢排可以早0的走。
你又做咩事咁夜呢? 夜蒲乎(ifc的bar)?
此圖左軍艦, 右中信, 前維港, 後半山, 國金非也, 海富是也. 非夜蒲也, 實補鑊也. 夙夜憂勤, 累勞達旦. 惟恐鑊破而人炒, 通頂實不得已.