Long Way to Go Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps - August 10, 2009 報左「信成」一人價錢二人同行,盛惠$599既盤龍峽兩天遊,上個禮拜六出發喇。 Zhaoqing 8-9 Aug 2009 1.第一日:深圳灣口岸->肇慶某餐館,食午飯,車程4個鐘 2.肇慶某餐館->盤古文化生態園 將緬甸人當係蚩尤後代,真係「惡搞」;係蚩尤部落中有個漢式百家姓宗祠,真係好鬼「惡搞」! 3.盤古文化生態園->士革馬刀具廠(shopping),花費300大元 4.士革馬刀具廠->蘆薈廠(shopping),花費100大元 5.蘆薈廠->肇慶某餐館,食晚飯,自費98大元 雖然號稱蟹皇宴,但係除左糯米飯上果隻蟹仔之外,根本一隻似樣既蟹都見唔到,更諻論蟹皇呢! 6.肇慶某餐館->珍寶酒店 珍寶應該唔係英文JUMBO咁解,可能係珍珠咁細既意思。 7.珍寶酒店->肇慶音樂噴泉 佢令我諗起屯門市廣場拆左既音樂噴泉。 8.肇慶音樂噴泉->七星岩夜遊,自費40大元 9.第二日:珍寶酒店食完早餐->德慶盤龍峽生態旅遊區,車程2個鐘 環保車狂噴黑烟,薰衣草凋零殘謝;唔知點解會有唔係工作人員係裡面賣生果,又有小朋友行乞。除左佢有獨特同宏偉既水車群同瀑布群之外,相對東部華僑城,佢既組織同管理都好差。兩個鐘可以行完。 10.德慶盤龍峽生態旅遊區->水雲澗(shopping),花費400大元 布衣族賣茶既地方。雖然係sales,但係主持講野勁好笑,好似做緊棟篤笑。不如叫黃子華做棟篤笑請佢做拍擋,或者星爺拍電影請佢做個角色啦。講真架!唔好浪費大好人材! 11.水雲澗->金林水鄉 因為買盤龍峽團體票另送金林水鄉門票,所以我地都去一去。門口有好多攤檔,其中有小妹妹賣白蘭花,佢地賣花口號好有節奏感,又有二重唱,同hip-hop有得比!佢地應該來香港做廣告小童星!另一邊廂,表演唱山歌既姐姐就差得多,唱完之後竟然話「終於唱完」!佢地做得hea,我地都睇得hea。 12.金林水鄉->德慶某餐館,食午飯 風味菜,之係無啖好食~ 13.德慶某餐館->深圳羅湖口岸,車程7個鐘 點解咁耐?司機蕩失路! Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps Comments saintvenus said… wow! $599 for 2 ppl played 2 days!!!what a bargain!!! Teki Chan said… 兩日團, 三個購物點, 五九九仲想點?
Women's Day - March 08, 2006 Today is International Women's Day. This festival, commemorated at the United Nations, represents almost a century of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development. Unlike other festivals, the story of International Women's Day has not been the past. Someone suggests that the French Revolution sparked off the movement of Women's Rights. Parisian women calling for "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity" marched on Versailles to demand women's suffrage. And the first Women's Day was observed in US on 28 February 1909. It seems that democracy can bring the Rights of Women. In the ancient Greek, citizens who could vote for the democratic government and public affairs did not include women as well as children, slaves and prisoners. Women were considered as naive, incredible, sensational, dependent and slaved. After two thousand years, some people still think of women in such way today. The movement of Women's Rights can be considered as two directions. O... Read more
LightsOut Hong Kong - August 08, 2006 Attention please, attention please. Here is an annoucement for all Hong Kong people. Please turn off lights at your office or home for three minutes at 8pm 8th August to protest against the serious problem of Air Pollution of Hong Kong. Campaign Website: http://lightsout.com.hk/ Dear Chief Executive Donald Tsang, We need your help. When you tolerate the air pollution, you damage your living place. Now the problem gets more serious to damage our tourism and foreign investment. Take action! Demand clean air. Help us stop pollution. Let's terminate it! Best regards, A typical Hong Kong citizen who loves Arnold and Jackie Read more
Tales from Earthsea - November 08, 2006 Recommendation: please read the original novel series Earthsea before you watch the movie (Japanese: ゲド戦記, meaning the Story of Ged's Battles), otherwise you'd sleep very well in the cinema. I left some comment about this movie in other blogs , here is its English translation: I don't think that the problem of the movie is the fault of the plot, because the director Goro Miyazaki (Japanese: 宮崎吾朗) is not the author of the novel and the novel is an award-winning piece. The problem is that he selected a wrong media to express his own vision. First of all, the novel is not popular in Chinese society. Few people would spend hours to finish the books before watching the movie. The director selected to start the movie by the third book of the series, however. It would make audiences lose their way. This is because much background information has been described in previous book, say Tenar's experience in The Tombs of Atuan. Unlike his father Hayao Miyazaki (Japanese: 宮崎駿) as t... Read more
what a bargain!!!