Invisible Charge

Apple iPhone is amazing. Whoever is crazy about the amazing device. As a result of high demand of iPhone in Hong Kong, Smartone-Vodafone, following Hutchison 3, has become one of resellers of Apple iPhone in HK.

Nevertheless, the new reseller provided a detailed devil to her customers, including those who do not purchase iPhone from her. I found the story by my bad experience.

I was informed that my data usage had exceeded to an extent level last week. I was surprised and because I had not used any 3G service and I turned off Data Roaming setting. I asked the customer service of Smartone-Vodafone to check it in detail but there was no result.

I was informed about the same thing on the next day. I replied that my iPhone setting should avoid from using any cellular network. The technician fortunately explained that Smartone-Vodafone turned my iPhone APN setting on when I updated my iPhone through iTune. In addition, it made the setting hidden so that no one could turn the setting off. In the other words, I was forced to pay the unknown data network fee without any option.

What I could do are to request Smartone-Vodafone to disable the data usage of my phone plan and submitted complaints. After I had complained her for a whole week, she agreed to waive the charge totally.

If you have an iPhone, watch out your phone bill!


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