9/11 Ten-Year Anniversary
At the night of 9/11 (i.e. the morning of New York time), I was busy as a bee to work in a laboratory alone. After I came back the crowded common room, World Trade Center had gone. And the world had become no longer the same as before.
I visited Manhattan four years later. It started raining when I stepped on the road in the front of Ground Zero, i.e. World Trade Center site. I thought that the rain was the tears of some people who had died. Even until now, I still remember the poem written on the board next to Ground Zero:

The Road to Heaven
While traveling along
It's never to late
Take the road that leads to love
Not the one to hate
Hate is what took these buildings down
with love is how we'll remember those
no longer around
Take the right road and you will see
how much sweeter life will be
The road may be uphill and
strewn with stones
so get rid of the weight
and lighten the load
AT the summit there is
a beautiful view
all of God's peace
open to you
There was a cross which was made of steel bars from the ruin. It likely stood tall to tell the world that some people had devoted their lives to work and to play, and fulfilled their duty until the last second of their lives.
Today is the 9/11 Ten-Year Anniversary. The world has changed a lot for ten years. Being a small potato, how can we the rapidly changing world? I was confused until I am reminded by the picture taken in front of Ground Zero.
Work Hard, Play Hard, Who Cares?
I visited Manhattan four years later. It started raining when I stepped on the road in the front of Ground Zero, i.e. World Trade Center site. I thought that the rain was the tears of some people who had died. Even until now, I still remember the poem written on the board next to Ground Zero:

The Road to Heaven
While traveling along
It's never to late
Take the road that leads to love
Not the one to hate
Hate is what took these buildings down
with love is how we'll remember those
no longer around
Take the right road and you will see
how much sweeter life will be
The road may be uphill and
strewn with stones
so get rid of the weight
and lighten the load
AT the summit there is
a beautiful view
all of God's peace
open to you
A police officer
There was a cross which was made of steel bars from the ruin. It likely stood tall to tell the world that some people had devoted their lives to work and to play, and fulfilled their duty until the last second of their lives.
Today is the 9/11 Ten-Year Anniversary. The world has changed a lot for ten years. Being a small potato, how can we the rapidly changing world? I was confused until I am reminded by the picture taken in front of Ground Zero.
Work Hard, Play Hard, Who Cares?