Tough Mission

A manager who was assigned to establish a new heath and beauty store in a third world country shared his experience of the establishment. His mission was challenging and his experience was good as a reference of project management.

The mission was assigned in the beginning of September while the deadline was the beginning of December. He was just informed with a single statement of aiming at store establishment in the selected country and no more information else. Before his first visit to the country, he had prepared the following action items:
  • Action of the very first visit
  • Consultation
  • Project plan
  • Questionnaire for understanding

After his first visit, the following facts was known:
  • It was really a developing country
  • GDP around USD1000 pa
  • Flooding is common
  • Some product price level is similar to HK. e.g. shampoo sold in supermarket

The next action is to include:
  • Draw high level system diagram and architecture diagram. They must have been validated.
  • Identify key stakeholders (local business, HK PIC, his director)
  • Request his director to be responsbile for esculation to top management
  • Draft Plan in place
  • List risks & issues, critical tasks (such as hardware delivery lead time vs stick to existing hardware)
  • Status update to local business owners and headquarter director
  • Close communication by 1 on 1 resolution
  • Determine milestones
  • Inter-company transfer
  • Interim workaround
  • Group level reporting for supply chain KPI
  • Project risks
  • Issue logs
  • Action items
  • Integration test plan
  • Setup checklist
  • Gap analysis

Finally the mission was accomplished successfully. He shared the below lesson learnt:
  • Culture difference (e.g. local people can come to office very early but leave office on time)
  • Key stakeholders, Esculation
  • Get support from influencing people
  • Identify risks and issues


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