Further notes to Core Management Skills

Here are further notes to Core Management Skills as the following.

7S Model: alignning for success

  • Strategy: how will this initiative support the direction and goals of the organization? of my workgroup?
  • Structure: how would people be most appropriately organized to support and achieve this initiative (e.g. teams, matrix structure, cross-functional project groups, organizational chart, etc)?
  • Systems: what information, processes, communication and measurements will need to be adjusted to support this initiative?
  • Shared values: how does this initiative fit with the shared values of the organization? of my workgroup?
  • Style: what leadership style supports (or hinders) this initiative? Ideally, what leadership style would fit best with this initiative?
  • Staff: what kind of people are needed to support this initiative? who should be on the project team?
  • Skills: what knowledge and skills will be needed within the organization to support and achieve this initiative? what knowledge and skills currently exist, and what will need to be built or contracted?

SWOT analysis

Internal factors:
  • How can we Use each Strength?
  • How can we Stop each Weakness?
External factors:
  • How can we Exploit each Opportunity?
  • How can we Defend against each Threat?


  • Individual
  • Team
  • Project

Do the right things

  • Micromanagement - Steve Jobs
  • Remove demotivating elements
  • Consistent behavior
  • Awareness
  • Sincerity to pressure

5P Model

Purposes <--factors p="">==> Process <-- contexts="" p="">==> Performance <-- indicators="" p="">===> Purposes
Personel Profile

Effort vs Action

1% for Investigation
10% for Inspection
100% for Correction

3 Areas

  • Purposes ==>
  • Critical Success Factors (CSF)
  • SMART goals
  • KPI
  • <== www.h: Who What When How


  • Sales => Satisified customers => Positive words of mouth
  • Strengthen fundamental response
  • Weaken symptomatic response

Why good leaders make you feel safe?
- Simon Sinek

The main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing.

Create conditions for people to perform.

The Hidden Agenda: A Proven Way to Win Business and Create a Following
- Kevin Allen

Find what they want and show them how to get it


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