Event: Deploy to the cloud with Github Actions

Manchester Java Community hosted an event in a dog friendly office of Kin + Carta. We learnt about digital transformation experience as well as Brian Benz live coding with Github and Azure new features. 

Digital Transformation experience is about to transform an enterprise to agilely adapt the digital technology, such as API Gateway and Cloud Routing, to bring better user experience.

Thanking the cloud advocate Brian, he brought us Octoverse Report about better performance and well being for developers. He also showed us a fun feature of Github Co-pilot as an AI pair programmer as well as more practical features in Github: Github Codespaces and Github-hosted runners.

Certainly the key topic Brian demonstrated is Feature Filters in Azure App. This new feature is helpful for A/B Testing and Blue-Green Deployment.

I was feeling chilled when I had a chat with participants in person. We shared our struggles in WFH and our daily coding works.


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