BBE 9x9

As per Venus' request, let me confess my own Top 81 Bad Boy Evils:


1. 嫌尖腥悶嫌三嫌四
Yes, I am a perfectist.

2. 出街比錢時扮冇帶/唔見銀包,請女食飯要女用肉償
No. I would clearly announce that I won't pay at all. And girls were not valuable enough as commodity.

3. 口頭話唔愛港女,實際媾唔倒港女
Yes. Love should be in heart, rather than in words. So no girl hasn't accepted me.

4. 國際任何女都媾唔倒
No comment.

5. 最低階之御宅港男
No. I am Otaku but the Otaku is not the lowest class. The lowest class is the politicians.

6. 鍾意叫雞

7. 口頭話港女衰,實際係老婆/女友牢
Yes. There is no relation between two phrases.

8. 搞大女人肚即走路
No. Should I escape with my baby together?

9. 趙完唱
No coz I haven't done yet.

No. Even if I hide, I can be discovered somehow by girls. Hong Kong is too small!

11. 樣衰衰,自己唔掂又要媾靚女
Yes. Beautiful girls do not trust beautiful boys. Vice versa.

12. 媾唔倒網上散播該女之電話相msn
No. I won't give benefits to my competitors.

13. 自己偷食反向GF發爛渣
No. I won't do anything secretly. If I had done, it should be obvious.

14. 每逢比錢借尿遁
No. Refer to Point 2.

15. 佢有錢時扮收唔倒call,永遠唔覆機,想借錢時哈巴狗,踢都唔走
Yes. Hong Kong people are all businessmen.

16. 要GF上佢屋企掃地執野做工人,仲要搞完即趕走
Yes. She should escape at once after making my home worse.

17. 成日成隻狗,冇D主見
Yes. I believe democracy.

18. 學歷低,冇料又唔識收皮
Yes. The richest man also says too much, and has no sense and qualification.

19. 人工低,廢人一個
Yes. This is the world trend. What I can do is to be a happy poor.

20. 剩係識溝大陸雞,扮大爺
No. Contradict to Point 17 to 19

21. 自己弱雞就話女仔要求高
Yes. There is no relation between two phrases. I agree but I don't blame.

22. 衣著冇 taste,出街見人扮型仔
No. I have no taste and I don't know how to makeup.

23. 講黎講去得把口
Yes. Refer to Point 18.

24. 成日話唔敢高攀港女,根本高攀唔起
Yes. This statement is always true.

25. 唔識就女仔,自私
No. I don't but it doesn't mean unable.

26. 比錢小小野成日同女仔計,冇D 風度
Yes. Refer to Point 15.

27. 養唔起女仔又成日阿芝阿佐
No. I can't support but I should be the defence.

28. 去完廁所唔港手,臭過地底泥
No. I can support buying water.

29. 女仔叻又唔識欣賞同學習,冇D長進
Yes coz they will be my competitors.

30. 自己質數低又唔安於現狀,賴蝦mo想食天鵝肉
Yes. The human being should chase the best and more best, shouldn't we?

31. 唱k走晒音,夾硬賴支咪壞
Yes. I won't waste my time in the limited K hours.

32. 所謂去街其實係帶條女落公園行
Yes. The air pollution of the urban area is too terrible.

33. 請食飯其實係叫自己呀媽煮
Yes. My cooking skill is too terrible.

34. 生日禮物係安全套
Yes. It is the greatest invention of the 20th century.

35. 底褲仲係呀阿媽幫佢買
Yes but also my sister and close friends. The underwears can be my gifts of New Year, Birthday or Christmas. My size is XL. Thank you very much.

36. 2、3十歲人成個小朋友咁,唔成熟
Yes, compared to people who are 70 or 80.

37. 做野唔經大腦,其實係米冇腦?
No, otherwise I had died.

38. 揀女仔剩識睇樣同身材,膚淺
Yes. This is a normal biological reaction. Well bodyshape induces high reproduction ability, so the beautiful female can attract male animals. If I were not, I would have been abnormal.

39. 講野言之無物,垃圾口
Yes. If something is in my mouth, I can't say.

40. 牙屎肚腩地中海,影衰女仔
No. Not yet.

41. 世界多俊男,但係香港俊男少到冇人有
More and less are relative.

42. 男仔樣衰唔係罪,但係香港醜男多到冇人有
The best means the minority better than the majority.

43. 老婆同係挨唔識感激,廢物
No. I would still thank her to be poor with me.

44. 成日睇日本AV,睇完溝唔到女就叫雞
No. My body is too valuable that no one can touch me.

45. 拍拖有sex當老逢,邊個話一定要比你sex架?
No. Refer to Point 44.

46. 鍾意影人裙底
No. That part is not my favorite.

47. 約會第一日.喉禽要濕吻
No. Refer to Point 44. I am usually the victim.

48. 當老婆狗,唔知家用兩個字點寫
No. I won't pay coz I don't look her as a dog. A dog should be feeded well.

49. 當女友AV女郎,逼人做呢做路
No. Japanese AV is very professional and she can't afford it.

50. 要老婆女友都係處,自己反而狂搞人
The statement is unclear.

51. 出黎行古惑,10個9個都係男
No comment.

52. 打交搶野犯案累累,10個9個都係男
No comment.

53. 成日多多要求,少少付出,做下義工先啦
Yes. Refer to Point 15.

54. 成日怨天怨地,又唔識進修upgrade下自己
Yes. Refer to Point 18.

55. 叫佢幫手,慘過挨契弟
Yes. Being her brother is better and can demand her.

56. 外母生日,永遠帶個桔
No. I will bring banana.

57. 吹到自己電腦幾咁勁,叫佢修腦完全冇
Yes, my computer skill is at the top, so my focus is in managerial level rather than technical level.

58. 陪friend去邊都話得,你講多兩句就唔得
No. I prefer to stay at home silently at all.

59. 斃家伙,男友變色魔
No. Not yet.

60. 特別小氣冇風度
No. I am always, not specially.

61. 唔記得阿媽都係香港女人
No. I remember that she shares all common characteristics of HK female.

62. 自己條女叫靚女,人地條女叫港女
No. I have none.

63. 專打拚音,英文差又唔識打中文,仲以為自己好勁
Yes, I am doing.

64. 講就183,出到來變153
Yes. Refer to Point 15.

65. 第一句問妳要msn,第二句問幾歲三圍同叫妳出來玩
Yes. It is not polite to reverse the sequence.

66. 講就碩士,事實係食屎
Yes. The degree of Master is dumb.

67. 鐘意扮版主亂搭爹
No. No one allows me to be.

68. 銀包有十張咭,張張都爆晒
No. No bank would like to accept my application.

69. 見倒名牌shop,即刻兜路走
Yes. The shopkeeper kicks me out once he identifies my equity.

70. 貴係佢口頭蟬,問佢去邊食,間間都話貴
Yes. Every shop sets premium over its costs.

71. 坐巴士用膝頭un前面(尤其前面是女仔)
Yes coz my legs are too long.

72. 坐巴士扮訓著挨個頭落女仔o度
No. I was really sleepy.

73. 搭扶手電梯中意及前面女仔裙底
No. Refer to Point 46.

74. 呢頭話人靚女..果頭衰o左唱你正港女
No contraction between two phrases.

75. 放飛機唔使本 冇負任感
No. It costs.

76. 專門向d女仔借錢.迫你做擔保.
No. I don't borrow coz I don't return.

77. 話接你食野,根本要你找數.
No. I will ask her to pay directly.

78. 爆房錢要你比.
The statement is not understood.

79. 暗地裡媾你d friend
No. I will do it obviously.

80. 成日講搵唔倒..原來去晒賭
No. All will go to video games.

81. 一句唔埋就打你.
No. Stupid people use hand while smart people use mouth.

I think my disadvantages should be much more than the above list. On the other hand, a disadvantage can be sometimes considered as an advantage. The key is how we handle them well.


Joseph said…
funny.... ur comments are.
Teki Chan said…
Will you have your checklist too?

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