Tamar Development Exhibition

I visited Tamar Development Exhibition of Design Proposals in the government office this Friday. To collect the public opinion, the HKSAR government organizes that exhibition of tenderers instead of a design competition. I think it would be a good control but a bad approach because of the limit of public participation.

After browsing (studying four proposals within half an hour is difficult) four designs, I guessed that they mainly follow a set of guidelines, which may be

  • Politics Openness
  • Environmental Friendliness
  • Public Participation
  • International Image
On the other hand, they do not seem good product designs because they likely ignore the top priority of people. If a product design is not people-oriented, it will be thrown into a bin. Considering the predefined guidelines, I suggest that the tenderers should be concerned with the following parties rather than just provide conceptual appearances:

  • Government Officers
  • Legislative Councillors
  • Citizens
  • Foreigners
Each design contains some fatal ignorance. For example, the LegCo Chamber in Design A does not seem fit for our councillors to present freely. That in Design B does not consider the effect of sunray to our councillors. That in Design C looks like a lecture theatre (only the president or Chief Executive will say all the time?). That in Design D looks like a closed can.

Since it will be a landmark of HK, if it does not mainly focus on people, it will hardly show the well developed democracy of the government (of the people, by the people, and for the people).

Official Website: http://www.tamar.gov.hk/


[ivy] said…
Seen it by chance too.
I like design D.
Teki Chan said…
Hi Ivy, how are you?

I think so. Design D is the least meaningless. I like the boat too.

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