Mark Six Analyst

Open Source in the world of software is amazing. Developers share and distribute source codes with each other. SourceForge is one of the well-known platforms.

I have registered my first Open Source project in SourceForge. The project is called Mark Six Analyst at It is a simple tool to forecast the result of Hong Kong lottery or so-called Mark Six by various statistics methods.

For the success of the project, I would like to thank Java, JavaDB (Apache Derby), Java Swing, Java Persistence API, TopLink, Hibernate Entity Manager, NetBeans and CsvReader. Because of them, developing a software application becomes rapidly quicker and the developed application becomes more stable and much easily maintained. Especially for Java Persistence API or called JPA, developers are less annoyed to handle entity EJBs and Object-Relational Mapping. It is helpful for developing an application with a database of complicated entity relationships.

On the other hand, after running the application, I found that no statistics method did better forecast than just Random. It implies that there is no winning method in gambling. I wish that all gamblers would understand this meaning.

No matter whether you are IT and like playing Mark Six, please access the SF.NET project and share your opinions. Thanks.


Giordano said…
Hi, I was looking a java app/library for calculating 6+1 numbers lottery predictions: i find your project but i cannot understand yet how insert data.
Can you post an example row for a valid CSV file ?
Giordano from italy
Teki Chan said…
Dear Giordano,

Sorry for late reply. Would you mind to give me your email address so that I can explain you in detail, please? Or I will put the instruction later to the

Yours sincerely,
Giordano said…
Could you put on sourceforge so other many people can read them...
...however i'm trying to study javaEE to build my own wep-app about lottery prediction.
Thanks & Bye
Teki Chan said…
Dear Giordano,

Thanks for your reminder. I have uploaded the basic instruction. Please feel free to let me know if any question.

Yours sincerely,
Anonymous said…
Hi where can I find a valid CSV file?

My email is
Teki Chan said…
Hi Johnny,

I'm sorry that the website which provided the CSV file has gone down. What you should do is to input the data manually.

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