
Showing posts from April, 2006

American Dream Visit - Ch1

一.身不由己 Overview 旅行本來是一種「放鬆」,對我來說卻是一種「放逐」;後來失控演變成「放縱」,驀然回首發現原來是「放牧」。 我好像一隻剛跳出水井的青蛙,以為從黑暗深處走到世界高處。在井口自鳴得意,傲視井底的一切,也輕視井外的環境。眺望對岸的山凌,縱使高聳入雲,不過在我視界之內。初生之犢不畏虎,誓要揭開她的蘆山真面目。會登凌絕頂,一覽眾山小。高處不勝寒,上與浮雲齊。朝有烈日怒吼,晚有繁星竊笑。如此嚴峻的環境,令我昔日的傲氣都顯得微不足道。究竟是我放棄了水井,還是水井放逐了我?抑或是我放逐了自己,變成山間「隨街跳的蛤乸」? 起初此行只限奧蘭度迪士尼世界,一來為了探望KATHY,二來為了迎接迪士尼樂園成立五十周年(始於1955年7月17日加州洛杉磯)。可是,來回美國機票昂貴,長期住宿迪士尼所費不菲,遠洋而來只為一地,確實欠缺效益,更對不起那張申請煩瑣的美國簽證。然而,如果多走一個地方,當地交通食宿費用也是額外的支出,為去而 去只會得不償失。再三思量,決定先到紐約,再去奧蘭度。因為紐約是世界大都會,全球經濟起伏繫於該市,各市爭相效尤,長駐當地工作更是我夢寐以求;再者,我的好友JACQUELINE和YOUNG居住當地,我可以順道探望久違故友,喜不勝收,更可以向他們借宿,省下高昂的住宿費(杜林普酒店雙人床位差不多二千美元一晚,別想了)。 除了機票及住宿,觀光及餐食也需要錢。所以起行前我已經設計了在紐約的行程表,好讓我們能夠善用時間、金錢和當地資源(例如:CITYPASS優惠券、百老匯廉價門票及某些觀光點可以只給予象徵式費用等)。不過,旅遊的輕鬆心情,大開眼界的各式誘惑及消費習慣都令計劃偏離軌道。縱使如此也無礙,因為花錢總可以忘憂。 我在被放逐到的國度上放縱自己的心靈,或是評賞表演的品客,或是飽嘗佳餚的食家,或穿梭於光影交錯的街道,或閒步於古今輝映的建築,或探究企業文化之管治,或思索社會環境之因果。我是自由的,我想。然而,有曰:牧羊者,羊實牧之。「仍然自由自我,永遠高唱我歌,走遍千里」的時候,其實我也是身不由己。 ... Back Home

American Dream Visit - Schedule

行程 Schedule 回憶是享受,憶述卻累人。尤其事隔多月,儘管快樂的心情仍未平伏,然而當中的細節須要略加思索。為了讓友好可以跟從我們的步伐,於是在此列出我們的行程。這是最花腦筋的,因為有些地點連當時都不清楚其全名,須要事後到網上搜查。雖然左思右想,力求資料詳細,可是還有些地方遺缺,特別是吃早午餐的地方,因為我們食無定時,早餐、午餐、甚至下午茶「混為一吃」。興奮忘食,樂而忘憂,不知時之將至。 五月二十八日 28 May Hong Kong International Airport, HK Narita International Airport, Tokyo John F. Kennedy International Airport, NYC Jacqueline's Home Battery Park Ground Zero (formerly World Trade Center) Bookstore besides Trinity Church New York Stock Exchange, 1 Wall Street Goldman Sachs Building, 85 Broad Street Young's Office Bull Statue Japanese Dinner in Japanese Street Macys Times Square Broadway Street Jacqueline's Home 五月二十九日 29 May LaGuardia Airport Fire Station near Jacqueline's Home Columbia University Lincoln Center Barnes & Nobles, 1972 Broadway Lunch in Whole Foods Market, Time Warner Center Columbus Circle Central Park FAO Schwarz Fifth Avenue Trump Tower, 725 Fifth Avenue Dinner wi

American Dream Visit - Preface

What I visited in NYC were different from what Jackie visited there. Jackie suggested that the difference is due to difference between our backgrounds. He grew up in North America while I did in HK. He has touched NYC while I have just dreamed of it. Jackie reported his recent NYC visit and it is time for me to report mine. In order to express my feeling natively, the article will be authored in Chinese. ----------------------------------------------- 《新約客遊夢》 致 CK 等你 在漆黑中,等你 時鐘在轉動 時間在停頓 因為在漆黑中 等你 捧着夕陽 璀璨的,耀眼的 驅不走黑暗,與它同在 躺靠山脈 巍峨的,磅礡的 擋不住淚水,被它沖去 天邊,腳下,腳下,天邊 等你,跨越了空間,突破了時間 等你,在腳下,在天邊 浩瀚的 床單 廣闊的 枕頭 在漆黑中 觸不到 你 小妹妹酣睡,老婆婆熟睡 在漆黑中 小飛俠獨自四周飛舞 在夢幻島 等你 ----------------------------------------------- 序言 Preface 本文目的是記述筆者於零五年夏季到美國紐約與奧蘭度的所見所感。本來應該於上年秋季動筆,可惜因為生活繁忙兼惰性,所以著文計劃被擱置一旁。直至黃公子重遊故地,提起大家各自的旅遊經歷,不禁使筆者重燃其志。思憶交錯,揮毫灑墨,落筆成章。 本文題為《新約客遊夢》,不直呼紐約之名,並稱該行為遊夢,自然別有用心。雖然該行是旅遊,但不是為了遊覽山水名勝,體察奇風異俗,也不是飽嘗山珍百味(儘管我們確實如此),而是為了一個夢--美國夢。 我們整天自吹自擂,捧自己為國際大都會,國際金融中心,自由經濟典範,擁有國際視野,直迫倫敦紐約之豪語云云。究竟事實是否如此?真真正正的國際城市是怎樣?造就美國夢的環境是

Densha Otoko

Not long time ago, in a city close close to us, there was a comedy between a lady and an introverted boy. On 14 March 2004, the boy left a message in a 2ch BBS to say that he saved a lady from harassment of a drunk guy on a tram and a few days later the lady gave him a pair of Hermès cups to thank him. Since he used to escape from social activities and be addicted to computer games, comics and animations (such people are well known as Otaku 御宅族 in Japan), he did not know how to get along well with a lady and felt shy to face a lady. He asked for help in the BBS. Therefore other BBS users taught him various HOWTOs. Eventually on 9 May, the boy claimed his success of chasing the lady in the BBS and then the BBS users gave him congratulation. What an unbelievable fairy tale. In fact, the story was captured from messages of the 2ch BBS (Japanese: 2ちゃんねる, URL: ). It is known as Densha Otoko (Japanese: 電車男). I think it is meaningful to watch this TV program in Easter. Th


Before the Internet is popular, we used to making friends around the world via some PenPal programs. When we were children, we paid a PenPal organization for its administration fee and then started our exchange of letters in our unrecognized English with counterparts in the other side of the world. Behind pieces of letter sheet, there were friendship, curiosity and fun. We can no longer find such feeling via emails or instant messengers that are supposed to replace letters. The speed of the interaction is rapid and they can carry images, audios and videos. However, the key of PenPal is not information exchange but soul exchange. Can we retrieve such feeling in the world of Web 2.0? Yes, we can do it through Bookcrossing. Bookcrossing is an activity of leaving a book in a public area to be picked up and read by others who will do so then. With the power of Web 2.0, such personal and free activities can be traced and coordinated by an online database and a website. (URL:

Investment and Life

The Hang Seng Index substantially boosted up yesterday to close at 16,411.13. It was believed that the rise was triggered by a strong inflow of traditional European funds. They might expect an occurrence of a high-level return in the short run. Are you one of them, my German friend? The rise of the stock market is so attractive. It attracts sights of professionals, students, housewives, elders. However, people who can become rich by stocks are very rare (certainly rich people are rare too). Even Warren Buffett, known as the Oracle of Stock Markets, is just the second richest person in the world, behind the IT talent Bill Gates, Microsoft chairman (Does it mean IT guys superior?). Anyway, many people still look for so called Must-Win method for investment/speculation. The following quotes from a local columnist Cao Ren Chao (Chinese: 曹仁超) are considered by the HK public as lighthouses of investment: 有智慧不如趁勢。 Trends override individual wisdom. 投資行為係世界上最易學難精之事,其中涉及風險管理,簡單點說便是止蝕的勇氣及賺盡的豪氣。


Marginalization recently becomes a keyword in HK. Many HK people are worried whether HK will be marginalized in the Greater China Region. This word has been mentioned by many scholars but it is just under spotlight after Rafael Hui used this word and Joseph Yam reused the word in his public speaking. 一向以法治同金融為傲既香港人好似如夢初醒. 乜我地唔係高人一等咩? 其它野可以鬥平鬥賤啫, 乜金融依下野都會被人搶埋? 我地衰咩呀? 以前仲可以賴老懵董, 依家可以賴邊個? I don't know how many people have asked the above questions. I don't wish you are one of them. My friends who are foreigners have realized this problem several years ago. 話說幾年前小弟仲係一間丁屎咁大既公司到做, 有一次聖誕趴池, 請左我既大學同學一齊玩, 結果趴池變成聯合國, 有港人, 英人, 德人, 美人 (美利堅國人是也), 印人, 巴人 (巴基斯坦人是也) 同非洲人. 傾下傾下傾到大家都有興趣既話題 -- 煲冬瓜! A friend told us that he was busy in learning Putonghua. Others were interested his progress. Another friend who was a researcher said Putonghua was essential for her because her colleagues were most from PRC. Some said they considered HK as a hub or a springboard between the West and the mainland. On

Tokugawa Ieyasu

My friend who had visited Japan last winter gave me a souvenir yesterday. The souvenir is a model of Tokugawa Ieyasu (Japanese: 徳川家康). Isn't yesterday April Fool's Day? Yes, you are right. Compared with other heroes in Warring States Period (Japanese: 戦国時代), he likely looked foolish. He was not as powerful as Oda Nobunaga (Japanese: 織田信長), neither as intelligent as Toyotomi Hideyoshi (Japanese: 豊臣秀吉). However he was eventually the winner of the period and set up Edo Shogunate (Japanese: 江戶幕府) that ruled Japan for almost 300 years (1603 - 1868). One of his characters that led his success is known as patience. As an old joke goes, when a cuckoo did not sing, those three heroes would do the following ways respectively: Oda Nobunga: if it does not sing anymore, KILL it! Toyotomi Hideyoshi: THINK a method to let it sing. Tokugawa Ieyasu: WAIT until it sings. The below is the so-called The Last Words of Toshogu (Japanese: 東照宮御遺訓) that shows how Tokugawa Ieyasu thought about patience