Marginalization recently becomes a keyword in HK. Many HK people are worried whether HK will be marginalized in the Greater China Region. This word has been mentioned by many scholars but it is just under spotlight after Rafael Hui used this word and Joseph Yam reused the word in his public speaking.
一向以法治同金融為傲既香港人好似如夢初醒. 乜我地唔係高人一等咩? 其它野可以鬥平鬥賤啫, 乜金融依下野都會被人搶埋? 我地衰咩呀? 以前仲可以賴老懵董, 依家可以賴邊個?
I don't know how many people have asked the above questions. I don't wish you are one of them. My friends who are foreigners have realized this problem several years ago.
話說幾年前小弟仲係一間丁屎咁大既公司到做, 有一次聖誕趴池, 請左我既大學同學一齊玩, 結果趴池變成聯合國, 有港人, 英人, 德人, 美人 (美利堅國人是也), 印人, 巴人 (巴基斯坦人是也) 同非洲人. 傾下傾下傾到大家都有興趣既話題 -- 煲冬瓜!
A friend told us that he was busy in learning Putonghua. Others were interested his progress. Another friend who was a researcher said Putonghua was essential for her because her colleagues were most from PRC. Some said they considered HK as a hub or a springboard between the West and the mainland. One said that he planned to develop his career in the Greater China Region and married with a China girl. Then we continued our fruitful discussion about girls.
大中華, 一個大字幾咁誘惑. 祖國地多, 人多, 錢多, 女仲多. 正如李蝙蝠俠話齋, 上面要乜有乜, 四川陳慧琳, 山東廣末涼子, 上海常盤貴子, ...... 至於以女論政, 以股論女, 當然首推英俊瀟灑, 風流倜儻既黃公子. 佢有一篇名為"社論:以港股論港女 ", 謹供參考.
Recently there are many weddings around me. Some girls asked me why the brides were so fortunate but not them. I asked them why they did not have boyfriends. Their responses just blamed HK boys.
女仔話港男係九無 (狗毛) 一族: 無錢, 無腦, 無用, 無骨氣, 無情趣, 無見識, 無口才, 無記性, 無氣慨. 就算有男友既女生, 一邊係咁批評, 另一邊擔心佢地自卑, 係自己面前無地自容就走去搵妹妹仔或甚至北姑自我安慰.
Whether boys or girls are better is a meaningless question. Commenting characters is quite personal and difficult to be objective. On the other hand, HK boys who cannot suffer from the requirements of HK girls can only look for opportunities in the mainland.
香港地貴, 電貴, 人工貴, 係米會削減競爭力, 被邊緣化呢? 根據自由市場理論, 買賣雙方會以利益最大化為目標, 如果賣方係咁貴, 而買方相信買左後可以賺番, 當然肯俾出當中既溢價. 例如, 上年經濟好轉, 銅鑼灣既舖租飊升幾倍, 租戶大罵業主殺雞取卵, 最後撤資離場. 業主係米自殺? 緊係唔係啦, 中下檔既租戶搬到較平既地方, 高檔次既商戶就進駐銅鑼灣, 利用當地人流賺個盤滿砵滿. 結果三方都得益.
If HK is so valuable that investors are willing to pay the premium, the expensive costs in HK are not problems and in contrast show the competiveness of HK. However, it is doubtful that HK is such a valuable place. Although many cities claimed themselves as Global Financial Center, according to a survey of Corporation of London, only New York City and London are worth to be claimed as Global Financial Center. Tokyo, Paris and even HK can at most be named as National Financial Center.
係依個變平左既世界, 機會來自全世界, 挑戰亦係來自全世界. 全世界都好似餓狼咁急著你. 問你怕未? 以前你唔怕, 係因為你唔知; 今日你唔怕, 因為你係井裡蛙. 本來餅越食越大, 仔(女)越溝越好, 錢越賺越多. 你邊緣左自己既視野, 最後惟有被人邊緣啦. 國際視野唔係搭幾次飛機, 滑幾次雪擴闊得來架.
If Jackie followed his recommendation, according to the growth (from 4826 to 6855 yesterday) of H Share Index, he had been a rich man. Ms Sung's Meng Niu (2319.HK) also raised to HKD9.40 yesterday from its minium price HKD4.75. Hutchison (0013.HK) which is considered as a good example of HK companies for/against globalization temporarily lags behind the market trend and stays around HKD70 per share.

鳴謝舍妹專程係台北誠品買左本"世界是平的- 把握這個趨勢,在21世紀才有競爭力" ("The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century" by Thomas L. Friedman).
一向以法治同金融為傲既香港人好似如夢初醒. 乜我地唔係高人一等咩? 其它野可以鬥平鬥賤啫, 乜金融依下野都會被人搶埋? 我地衰咩呀? 以前仲可以賴老懵董, 依家可以賴邊個?
I don't know how many people have asked the above questions. I don't wish you are one of them. My friends who are foreigners have realized this problem several years ago.
話說幾年前小弟仲係一間丁屎咁大既公司到做, 有一次聖誕趴池, 請左我既大學同學一齊玩, 結果趴池變成聯合國, 有港人, 英人, 德人, 美人 (美利堅國人是也), 印人, 巴人 (巴基斯坦人是也) 同非洲人. 傾下傾下傾到大家都有興趣既話題 -- 煲冬瓜!
A friend told us that he was busy in learning Putonghua. Others were interested his progress. Another friend who was a researcher said Putonghua was essential for her because her colleagues were most from PRC. Some said they considered HK as a hub or a springboard between the West and the mainland. One said that he planned to develop his career in the Greater China Region and married with a China girl. Then we continued our fruitful discussion about girls.
大中華, 一個大字幾咁誘惑. 祖國地多, 人多, 錢多, 女仲多. 正如李蝙蝠俠話齋, 上面要乜有乜, 四川陳慧琳, 山東廣末涼子, 上海常盤貴子, ...... 至於以女論政, 以股論女, 當然首推英俊瀟灑, 風流倜儻既黃公子. 佢有一篇名為"社論:以港股論港女 ", 謹供參考.
Recently there are many weddings around me. Some girls asked me why the brides were so fortunate but not them. I asked them why they did not have boyfriends. Their responses just blamed HK boys.
女仔話港男係九無 (狗毛) 一族: 無錢, 無腦, 無用, 無骨氣, 無情趣, 無見識, 無口才, 無記性, 無氣慨. 就算有男友既女生, 一邊係咁批評, 另一邊擔心佢地自卑, 係自己面前無地自容就走去搵妹妹仔或甚至北姑自我安慰.
Whether boys or girls are better is a meaningless question. Commenting characters is quite personal and difficult to be objective. On the other hand, HK boys who cannot suffer from the requirements of HK girls can only look for opportunities in the mainland.
香港地貴, 電貴, 人工貴, 係米會削減競爭力, 被邊緣化呢? 根據自由市場理論, 買賣雙方會以利益最大化為目標, 如果賣方係咁貴, 而買方相信買左後可以賺番, 當然肯俾出當中既溢價. 例如, 上年經濟好轉, 銅鑼灣既舖租飊升幾倍, 租戶大罵業主殺雞取卵, 最後撤資離場. 業主係米自殺? 緊係唔係啦, 中下檔既租戶搬到較平既地方, 高檔次既商戶就進駐銅鑼灣, 利用當地人流賺個盤滿砵滿. 結果三方都得益.
If HK is so valuable that investors are willing to pay the premium, the expensive costs in HK are not problems and in contrast show the competiveness of HK. However, it is doubtful that HK is such a valuable place. Although many cities claimed themselves as Global Financial Center, according to a survey of Corporation of London, only New York City and London are worth to be claimed as Global Financial Center. Tokyo, Paris and even HK can at most be named as National Financial Center.
係依個變平左既世界, 機會來自全世界, 挑戰亦係來自全世界. 全世界都好似餓狼咁急著你. 問你怕未? 以前你唔怕, 係因為你唔知; 今日你唔怕, 因為你係井裡蛙. 本來餅越食越大, 仔(女)越溝越好, 錢越賺越多. 你邊緣左自己既視野, 最後惟有被人邊緣啦. 國際視野唔係搭幾次飛機, 滑幾次雪擴闊得來架.
If Jackie followed his recommendation, according to the growth (from 4826 to 6855 yesterday) of H Share Index, he had been a rich man. Ms Sung's Meng Niu (2319.HK) also raised to HKD9.40 yesterday from its minium price HKD4.75. Hutchison (0013.HK) which is considered as a good example of HK companies for/against globalization temporarily lags behind the market trend and stays around HKD70 per share.
鳴謝舍妹專程係台北誠品買左本"世界是平的- 把握這個趨勢,在21世紀才有競爭力" ("The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century" by Thomas L. Friedman).