Campaigns Wikia
Sir Donald Tsang KBE, the Chief Executive of HKSAR, has renewed the political environment of Hong Kong since he reported to work in 2005. Compared with his predecessor, he is more successful to grasp the public opinion. In addition to his career of civil service under British governance, he has introduced new political methods. One is known as the position of Spin Doctor (common in US but fresh in HK).
Being a citizen, each of us should keep concerned about our closely personal issue - the politics, by ourselves. Traditional information channels, i.e. post, radio and TV, are waved by politicians and Spin Doctors instead. This situation leads us to rethink the need of a public area in which no party is dominant and no member is ignored. In addition, the area should be rapid to reflect the opinions and well organized in a systematic way. You don't need to wait it till the Heaven but there at Campaigns Wikia.

Campaigns Wikia was founded by the founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales. He aims to setting up such public area. Such public area is a central meeting ground for people on all sides of the political spectrum who think that it is time for politics to become more participatory, and more intelligent, different from the broadcast media.
Let's ramp up the intelligence of politics. If you agreed with this mission, or are interested to know more about this campagin, don't hestitate to visit the website and subscribe the mailing list. Play your personal role, participate the politics.
See also:
Being a citizen, each of us should keep concerned about our closely personal issue - the politics, by ourselves. Traditional information channels, i.e. post, radio and TV, are waved by politicians and Spin Doctors instead. This situation leads us to rethink the need of a public area in which no party is dominant and no member is ignored. In addition, the area should be rapid to reflect the opinions and well organized in a systematic way. You don't need to wait it till the Heaven but there at Campaigns Wikia.
Campaigns Wikia was founded by the founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales. He aims to setting up such public area. Such public area is a central meeting ground for people on all sides of the political spectrum who think that it is time for politics to become more participatory, and more intelligent, different from the broadcast media.
Let's ramp up the intelligence of politics. If you agreed with this mission, or are interested to know more about this campagin, don't hestitate to visit the website and subscribe the mailing list. Play your personal role, participate the politics.
See also: