Phantom in Hong Kong

You alone can make my song take flight.
Help me make the music of the night.

The Phantom Of The Opera comes back Hong Kong again 11 years after its first visit in 1995. The world has changed after a decade but its attraction remains unchanged with great background, exciting gestures and special effect, gorgeous dressing, romantic story and touching music. The musical has been performed since July 11 in Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Culture Centre (Chinese: 香港文化中心大劇院). I watched it last night and share my opinion about the last night performance here.


Hong Kong audience should be the most qualified in South East Asia because of their English standard and previous British governance. I still remind you again, Don't take picture inside the Theatre anytime.

Grand Theatre is equipped with a pair of Caption Machine. Yet they are vertical, suitable for Chinese, Korean and Japanese only. The authority should consider whether it violates Racial Discrimination.

Shopping is a habbit of Hong Kong people. Long queues for souvenirs could be found before and after the performance.

Raoul and Christine

They were acted by John Bowles and Ana Marina respectively.

Both of them did not perform very well. It does not mean their performance was awful but other actors, even those playing functional characters (According to Wikipedia Raoul is just a functional character) were very awesome. It seems because they were relatively young and were not skillful enough.

In addition, The Phantom Of The Opera have been performed for 20 years by various actors. Everyone has his own interpretation. They will not be outstanding if they have not had their own styles. In the beginning scenes, they tried some alternative interpretation. It was a good trial but needed much improvement.

After the scene The Phantom Of The Opera, they returned to normal interpretation. As mentioned in the above, perhaps they were not very experienced, so their performance was nice but not outstanding.

Furthermore, the most special of Christine was her big hug. Someone thought that her hug was not natural but most of men would welcome such hug of her way. Her style was a kind of little ladies.

Monsieur Andre and Monsieur Firmin

They were acted by Anders Sohlman and John O'May respectively.

As well as Phantom, the pair of old men were the best actors. Their gestures of fun as well seriousness were very proper. Their sayings of gentlemen were very well too. For example, when they asked "audience" to calm down, this act seemed the interaction between them and real audiences. When they sang together and danced together without any mismatched. Their cooperation was perfect.

They showed their profession of being supporting actors.

Carlotta and Madame Giry

They were acted by Pauline Du Plessis and Jackie Rees respectively.

Giry showed her profession as Andre and Firmin did. Her gesture was also fit for her identity. Yet there was no as much chance as the pair of Monsieur for her expertise.

Carlotta was a well competent Prima Donna. Whenever she sang Hannibal in well voice, normal dialogue or Il Muto in dull voice, she showed her excellence of singing. She also did very well in gesture. She stood at her best position to do her own gesture to highlight her existence. She was considered as the best female actor in the performance.

The Phantom

It was acted by Brad Little.

Bravi Bravi Bravissimi! Brad was the best actor in the performance. In addition to his proper performance in typical gestures such as rowing the boat and climbing the gate, he showed his own style in some gestures. For example, he rotated his hat and gown with force (as powerfully rotating as Beckham's shooting). He would adjust his sleeve cuffs in some times. His walking pace and steps were very appropriate, not too much, not too less. He also highlighted his decisive manner in the last scene when he asked Christine to make her choice. He had his own interpretation of acting the Phantom.

If it is said that the singing style of Michael Crawford was a solitary talent, that of Gerard Butler was a talented madman, then that of Brad was a mysterious talent. He sang in a little bit terrible way. His voice was not sad or exaggerated but somehow secret. This interpretation was good to match his own dialogue and the entire plot, but failed to express the solitude of the Phantom.

Anyway, Brad has mastered acting the Phantom and we devoted our loudest applause to the last performer saying thanks.


  • 1734 seats fully occuppied in Grand Theatre
  • Standing Tickets available
  • House Program - HK$120
  • Poster - HK$10
  • Love Of Phantom


Anonymous said…
If you saw Phantom on Tuesday July 25 you saw Ana Marina, not Marni. Marni does not play Tuesday and Sunday nights.
Teki Chan said…
Thanks a lot for your reminder. I updated it.
Anonymous said…
I STRONGLY DISSAGREE with your review regarding John Bowles and Ana Marina's performance, I saw both of them on Sunday night and thought they were both amazing, especially Ana Marina has an amazing voice, I have seen many performances of Phantom around the world and they were both top of my list on phantom performer's.

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