Audit Before Fall
I watched an old VCD last night. This VCD is called Audit Before Fall (Chinese: 秋前算帳). This records a standup comedy performance of Dayo Wong (Chinese: 黃子華) in 1997, just before Hong Kong handover.
His standup comedies were full of hard criticism. This one is no exception. He incisively criticized the Chinese Communist Party in this performance. He used his personal story to bring out the idea of boiling a frog.
His recent performances become less incisive after the handover, likely because of his career development in the mainland or even because of the China censorship. Anyway, you will find his predictions before the handover have become true. Here are some examples:

In addition, he collected many material to support his comedy. They included a book of Scar literature (Chinese: 傷痕文學) and a set of newspaper clippings. One of newspaper clippings supporting Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 (Chinese: 八九年天安門事件) contained signatures of clebrities, including Lee Ka-shing 李嘉誠, Henry Tang 唐英年, Stanley Ho 何鴻燊, Tsang Yok-sing 曾鈺成, WU Wai-yung 鄔維庸, Leung Chun-ying 梁振英, Jackie Chan 成龍, Cheng Yu-tung 鄭裕彤 and so on who have been well-known pro-China. However Dayo Wong has become one of them himself.
When I translated his performance title, I selected Fall for 秋 rather than Autumn. Wong said the handover was the Fall (Chinese: 淪陷) of Hong Kong by Chinese Communist Party. What an interesting matching.
His standup comedies were full of hard criticism. This one is no exception. He incisively criticized the Chinese Communist Party in this performance. He used his personal story to bring out the idea of boiling a frog.
His recent performances become less incisive after the handover, likely because of his career development in the mainland or even because of the China censorship. Anyway, you will find his predictions before the handover have become true. Here are some examples:
- "Think of danger in safe time" is "Be no more stable". 居安思危... 你地安極有限啦老友
- The Individual Visit Scheme 自由行
- Even some Gang guys are patriots. 黑社會都有愛國
In addition, he collected many material to support his comedy. They included a book of Scar literature (Chinese: 傷痕文學) and a set of newspaper clippings. One of newspaper clippings supporting Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 (Chinese: 八九年天安門事件) contained signatures of clebrities, including Lee Ka-shing 李嘉誠, Henry Tang 唐英年, Stanley Ho 何鴻燊, Tsang Yok-sing 曾鈺成, WU Wai-yung 鄔維庸, Leung Chun-ying 梁振英, Jackie Chan 成龍, Cheng Yu-tung 鄭裕彤 and so on who have been well-known pro-China. However Dayo Wong has become one of them himself.
When I translated his performance title, I selected Fall for 秋 rather than Autumn. Wong said the handover was the Fall (Chinese: 淪陷) of Hong Kong by Chinese Communist Party. What an interesting matching.