Goin' Home

Returning Home (Chinese: 陶淵明) by Tao Yuan Ming (Chinese: 歸去來辭) was a mandatory text of Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (Chinese: 香港中學會考). It is supposed that most of teens have memorized that poem, yet a few of them would still remember that after the exam. Even amongst politicians, Hong Kong people who can quote that in their daily life are rare.

On the other hand, according to Yomiuri Shimbun (Japanese: 読売新聞), Kawashima Tatsuhiko (Japanese: 川嶋辰彦), the father of Kiko, Princess Akishino (Japanese: 文仁親王妃紀子), quoted a sentence of that poem, "Or sit by a clear river side, Composing poems worthy of my pride." (Japanese: 清流に臨みて詩を賦す, Chinese: 臨清流而賦詩), to express his feeling after his daughter gave birth to a baby boy for the Japanese imperial family. Perhaps he understated a meaning of the quote's successive sentences: "Let me abide by the law of nature to lead a life of nature. Let me submit to the will of Heaven and be content with my fate forever!" (Chinese: 聊乘化以歸盡,樂夫天命復奚疑!)

(taken by Wang HL)

Modernization does not only construct pioneering buildings and technology, but also means to inherit the history and deepen the culture. A reason why Chris Patten, the last HK Governor, was popular in Hong Kong is his literature tutelage. His literature did not make him sound old-fashioned. In contrast, it beautified his speeches and became a strong weapon to handle the mass media. Yesterday is the base of Tomorrow; Today is a time to go home.

The homeland is well-known a treasure of culture over thousands year. Many non-Chinese people protect it and get its benefit. Korean registers Dragonboat Festival (Chinese: 端午節) as their heritage; Japanese makes big money by Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Chinese: 三國演義); The Metropolitan Museum of Art has collected the finest porcelain of Ming Dynasty. Why not Chinese?

It's not far, just close by, Through an open door; Work all done, care laid by, Goin'ta fear no more.


スロ / Bernat said…
It's not easy to do it.
It's easier to forget the past and move on.
Teki Chan said…
You're right, yet easy come easy go.

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